There's Still Time to Apply for Spring Admission.

Submit your application by January 1 for undergraduate programs! Apply Now

DIY Instructions

Multi-factor Authentication

Setup Multi-factor Authentication

Reporting Suspicious Emails

Reporting Suspicious Emails

Add Your Westfield State Account to a Mobile Device

Add Your Westfield State Account to a Mobile Device


Install Microsoft Office

Add Your Device to the Network in our Residence Halls

Residence Hall Network Access


Access Your OneDrive

On-Campus Shared Drives

Access On-Campus Shared Drive From A Mac

VPN Connections

In order to gain access to certain services from off campus, faculty and staff members may connect to the University's VPN server from off campus. To request VPN access, you will need to fill out a Network Access Request Form. In the notes field, please mention VPN access. Our Infrastructure dept. will contact you once the process is complete.