Offices and Services

Welcome to our offices and services directory. We hope you find the following information helpful.



Academic Advising and Transfer Transition
Provides support to faculty advisors and resources for students and recent alumni as they make academic plans.

Academic Affairs 
Encompasses the Vice President’s Office, Dean of Faculty, Dean of Education, Dean of Undergraduate Studies, International Programs, Grants & Sponsored Research, academic information and services.

Academic Records
Provides students with information on services, records management, and academic support to students and the campus community.

Accounts Payable
The Accounts Payable office ensures compliance, processes invoices, disburses payments, and supports audits for University financial accountability.

Administration and Finance
Encompasses the Office of the Vice President for Administration and Finance, Assistant Vice President of Finance, Purchasing, Student Accounts, Bookstore, Dining Services

Admissions Office
Information and services for prospective students.

Alumni Office
Provides programs, services, and events for alumni.

Arno Maris Gallery 
An Art Gallery displaying a variety of regional and national visual art, including one student show each year.

Assessment and Accreditation, Office of
The office of Assessment and Accreditation collaborates with all campus offices and constituencies to assist the institution in data-informed decision making.

Varsity sports, athletic facilities, intramurals, and more.


Banacos Academic Center
Home of the Westfield State University Learning Disabilities Program, Disability Services and our Tutoring Program.

Belonging, Inclusion, and Learning (B.I.L), Office of
The office is dedicated to promoting equity, access, and belonging by fostering an inclusive and supportive campus environment. Through campus-wide collaboration, it offers workshops, events, and resources.

Books, snacks, cards, logo gear, and more.

The office is responsible for billing, collection, refunding and accounting of students’ tuition and loan accounts.



Campus Card Program 
Serves as the student's official University identification card, meal card, and "Owl Bucks".

Course Achievement, Retention, and Engagement (CARE)
Committed to identifying at-risk populations and help them to connect to support services.

Career Center
Work study, internships, cooperative education, resume and interview preparation, and more.  Services students, alumni, employers and faculty.

Center for Instructional Technology 
The Center for Instructional Technology was established and it’s mission is to promote and develop online courses and programs, and to provide course websites for face to face courses. CIT is also responsible for the Online Learning (PLATO: People Learning and Teaching Online) at Westfield State.

Center for Student Success and Engagement
Provides students with the tools to explore academic opportunities and plan strategies for continued growth.

Center for Teacher and Education Research 
Works to further develop the connections between Westfield State University and its K-14 partners.

College For Kids 
An award-winning educational program that runs for four weeks every summer. It is open to students from ages 5-16. 

All University Committee, CURCW Committee, Curriculum Committee, IRB & IACUC Committee, Long Range Planning Committee, Sustainability Committee, Writing Liaison Committee (WLC)

Common Goods
Common Goods is a food pantry serving Westfield State University students, faculty and staff who may be experiencing hunger and are struggling to make ends meet.

Commuter Services
This office provides support resources and advocacy for commuter students.

Community Service Clearinghouse 
The Westfield State University Community Service Clearinghouse provides students, faculty/staff and community partners with a centralized resource for posting and receiving information, resources and referrals for community service and service-learning opportunities.

Continuing Education
Focuses on serving non-traditional populations through online and flexible undergraduate studies, graduate studies, and non-credit community education programming.

Copy Center
Provides copying and reproduction services for the University.

Counseling Center 
Provides counseling and preventive services for Westfield students.

CURCA (Center for Undergraduate Research & Creative Activity)
Promotes and provides strategic cross-disciplinary support for all students, faculty, and staff to engage in creative scholarship. 



Dean of Students, Office of
The Office of the Dean of Students assists students with personal and/or academic challenges.

Dining Services 
Westfield State Dining Services contributes to the campus life experience by providing a variety of healthy, and flavorful meals featuring local, regional and world cuisine in a sustainable and environmentally conscious manner.

Disability Services 
Provides program access and appropriate support services to individuals with disabilities.



Enrollment Management and Student Affairs
Meets the challenges and opportunities of recruiting and retaining a student body for Westfield State that characterizes quality, retention and outcomes, and achieving the goals set by the institution. Oversees Admissions, Career Center, Counseling Center, Financial Aid, Health Services, Residential Life, Student Activities, Student Affairs, and University Police.

Environmental Services 
Provides information for health and safety in the college environment.

Event Management
Event Management’s main focus is producing large scale University events for the president and Institutional Advancement.



Facilities and Operations
The operation, maintenance, repair, and construction/renovation of campus facilities.

Faculty Center 
Promotes discussion of and reflection on our faculty's ideas and concerns about teaching, learning, scholarship, and the profession.

Financial Aid
Coordinates student applications for financial assistance, including scholarships, loans, and student employment.

Fitness Centers
Provides students and faculty with an on-campus area to exercise. Offers numerous fitness classes to all.



Grants and Sponsored Programs
Provides resources to assist in procuring grant funds to support research, programs, projects, and initiatives to achieve the University's mission.

Graduate and Continuing Education
Focuses on serving non-traditional populations through online and flexible undergraduate studies, graduate studies, and non-credit community education programming.



Health Services 
The Department's mission is to provide or arrange for quality health care for students and health and safety services for the institution.

Help Desk 
Provides information technology support for the college campus.

Honors Program 
The purpose of the Honors Program is to promote intellectual growth on campus and enrich student-faculty interactions. (Mod Hall)

Human Resources, Title IX & Equal Opportunity
Employment opportunities, training, and benefits at Westfield State.



Inclusive Concurrent Enrollment (ICE) Partnership Program
ICE is a state-funded grant program that provides dual enrollment opportunities to high school students, age 18-21, that have intellectual and developmental disabilities in an inclusive college experience. Students of the ICE program build their independence and enhance their quality of life through this college experience.

Information Technology Services (ITS)
Computer use and network services on campus.

Institutional Advancement
Provides communication about the university with its advocates, the media, and the public.

Institutional Research and Assessment
The Office of Institutional Research and Assessment collects, compiles and integrates data from multiple sources to inform institutional planning and demonstrate that the University is fulfilling its mission.  It also serves as the primary contact for outside surveys and inquiries about the University's demographics.

Interfaith Center, The Albert and Amelia Ferst 
Open to all faith groups, the Albert and Amelia Ferst Interfaith Center at Westfield State University serves as the hub of all kinds of religious activities for students and the entire college community.

International Programs, Office 
The office works to support international students and manages all phases of student study abroad programs.

International Students, Admission
Admission information for international applicants.

Inventory Control
The Inventory Control office within the Department of Financial Accounting is responsible for managing the lifecycle of all University fixed assets, from acquisition to disposal, in compliance with policies set forth by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the University.



Lead Scholars Program
Works to recruit students from diverse educational, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds for Westfield State.

Learning Disabilities Program
Offers a supportive academic setting where students with learning differences, that are learning disability or ADHD based, can flourish.

Open seven days a week, and offers a wide variety of resource materials ready to be used to assist all students.



Mail Services
Our mailroom provides comprehensive mail and package handling services for all faculty, staff, and students.

The mission of the Office of Marketing is to identify and execute the best strategies for communicating Westfield State’s identity and messages to key audiences and to advance the university's mission and strategic goals.

Media Services
Classroom Technology, Media Technology, Campus Events & Performances and Video Production & TV Operations.



New Student Orientation
The New Student Orientation program is designed to welcome you to Westfield State University, ensure that you get all of your questions answered, and get a feel for campus before classes begin in the fall.

Offers a wide variety of personal enrichment, art, business, computer, and health and wellness classes taught by regional.



Orientation, New Student
The New Student Orientation program is designed to welcome you to Westfield State University, ensure that you get all of your questions answered, and get a feel for campus before classes begin in the fall.


Parking Clerk, Office of

Payroll Office
Central office for all campus payroll activity related to time reporting, pay, and new hire/rehire processing into HRCMS for all employees.

Presidents Office

Public Affairs
Public Affairs is the key point of contact between the University and the news media

Public Record Requests

Procurement Office
The office is responsible for all financial accounting and budgetary procedures and policies.



Radio Station WSKB 
WSKB is a radio station based out of Westfield State University of Westfield, MA on 89.5 FM.

Reading and Writing Center 
The Reading and Writing Center helps students, staff, and faculty at Westfield State University further develop their understanding of reading, writing, and critical thinking.

Registrar Office 
Course registration, credit transfer, athletic eligibility, transcripts, and other university records.

Research, Innovation, Design & Entrepreneurial (RIDE) Center
The Research, Innovation, Design, & Entrepreneurial (RIDE) Center is a dynamic space for nurturing innovative ideas and entrepreneurial skills. We engage students through collaborations with external partners and community leaders, using advanced tools to foster creativity and prepare them for the future.

Residential Life 
Student housing applications and services.

Risk Management
Westfield State is committed to providing an ethical control environment, accountable to students, faculty and staff through financial integrity and sound internal controls.



SERV, State Employees Responding as Volunteers

Student Activities
Student Activities office is responsible for all social events on the campus.

Student Affairs
The Division of Student Affairs promotes and fosters the academic, social, and personal development of the students.

Student Accounts
Helps students and their families meet financial obligations.

Student Conduct, Office of
The Student Conduct Office promotes learning and development for all students through educational conversations, programs, and sanctions to increase an individuals’ understanding of their rights and responsibilities.

Student Government Association
Represents the interests of all Westfield State students in all aspects of college life.

Student Newspaper (The Voice)
Allows students the opportunity to have their opinions heard in a weekly, university published periodical.

Student Support Services (TRIO)
Offers program participants free, comprehensive academic and counseling support designed to assist with persistence to graduation and preparation for graduate or professional school.



Technology Support Desk 
Provides information technology support for the college campus.

Title IX

Comprised of the men and women whose job it is to keep Westfield State looking beautiful, and running smoothly. Jobs include: mechanics, carpenters, maintainers, etc.

Tutoring and Learning Center (TLC)
Westfield State University offers a robust peer-tutoring program that is available for all undergraduate students during the Fall and Spring semesters.

T.V. Studio
An on-campus TV Studio where shows such as “Schools Match Wits” are produced by the Westfield State Communications department.



University Police

University Police enforce Massachusetts General Laws and University policy. The Department is also responsible for security and emergency response at the University.



Veteran and Military Services
Supports the needs and promotes the success of U.S. veteran students.
