Office of Graduate Recruitment and Admissions

Exciting news! Our Paramedic Program is now available.

Take the next step in your career and make a lifesaving impact.


Whether you have been out of school for a while, or you are just completing your bachelor’s degree, our Master's programs are designed for all adult learners.

Our affordable programs can be completed at a pace that fits with your life. If you're looking for a graduate program that will sharpen your skills, or expand employment opportunities, and is taught by dedicated faculty who are experts in their fields, Westfield is the place for you.

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  • Transfer up to 6 grad credits

  • Lifetime career counseling

Course Offerings

flowers in bloom on the campus green with Courtney Hall in the background

Graduate Degrees

Westfield offers part-time and full-time Master's Degrees with flexible scheduling options.

Jen Hixon instructs PA students in a lab at the Stevens Center

Accepted Students

Congratulations on your acceptance! If you are a new student who has recently confirmed admission, please visit the link below for your next steps.


The Graduate and Continuing Education at Westfield State University maintains a focus on providing high quality educational programs and serving the needs of non-traditional student populations. This is done through part-time and/or online undergraduate studies, graduate studies, and certificate programming.  Westfield State University ensures flexible programming to meet the needs of today’s student while supporting programs to meet workforce demands.

Campus Globe against cloudy blue sky

Contact Us

Graduate Admissions
Scanlon Hall, Second Floor
image of the globe on the campus green with Courtney Hall in the background

Contact Us

Part-Time, Online Undergraduate Admissions
Scanlon Hall, Second Floor