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Books - Faculty Center

The faculty center houses books and periodicals on topics relevant to teaching such as assessment, critical thinking, teaching portfolios, service learning, active learning and more. If you are cleaning out your office and have any books that fit our collection, your donation is welcome! Come browse our collections and feel free to sign out any of the books available (sign books out with the binderlist of titles shelved alongside the books). 

If you published a book and have an extra copy for us, we will gladly include it in the Faculty Center library. Please contact the Faculty Center coordinator, so that the library collection files can be updated.

The following books are available in the Faculty Center library. For a complete list of all books that allows you to search for titles or authors, open this spreadsheet.


Books by our own Faculty

Bellico, Russel P. (1995). Chronicles of Lake George - Journeys in War and Peace. Purple Mountain Press.

Cook, William (2016). Religion and Criminal Justice. Cognella Academic Publishing.

Classen, Albrecht and Sandidge, Marilyn (2010). Friendship in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Age - Explorations of a Fundamental Ethical Disclosure. DeGruyter.

Desrosiers, Lori (2009). Three Vanities. Pudding House.

Engel, Michael. (2000). The Struggle for Control of Public Education – Market Ideology vs. Democratic Values. Temple University Press.

Knowles, Trudy and Brown, Dave F. (2000). What every Middle School Teacher Should know. Heinemann.

Konig, Michael F. and Kaufman, Martin. (1989). Education in Massachusetts – Selected Essays. Institute for Mass. Studies.

Lovejoy, David A. (2008). Vascular Flora of Springfield, Massachusetts. Springfield Museums.

Mangaliso, Nomazengele A. (1994). The South African Mosaic – A Sociological Analysis of Post-Apartheid Conflict. University Press of America.

Price, Daniel E. (1999). Islamic Political Culture, Democracy, and Human Rights – A Comparative Study. Praeger.

Roberts, Bette B. (1994). Anne Rice in Twayne's United States Authors Series. Twayne.


Teaching & Learning

Anderson, Erin (1993). Campus Use of the Teaching Portfolio –Twenty-Five Profiles. AAHE.

Bean, John C. (2001). Engaging Ideas – The Professor's Guide to Integrating Writing, Critical Thinking, and Active Learning in the Classroom. Jossey-Bass.

Bender, Tisha (2012). Discussion-Based Online Teaching to Enhance Student Learning – Theory, Practice, and Assessment. Stylus Publishing.

Bosworth, Kris, Hamilton, Sharon J. (1994). Collaborative Learning: Underlying Processes and Effective Techniques – New Directions for Teaching and Learning. Jossey-Bass.

Boyer, Ernest L. (1990). Scholarship Reconsidered – Priorities of the Professoriate. The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.

Bransford, John D., Brown, Ann L., Cocking, Rodney R. (1999). How People Learn – Brain, Mind, Experience, and School. National Academy Press.

Braskamp, Larry A., Trautvetter, Lois Calian, Ward, Kelly (2006). Putting Students First – How Colleges Develop Students Purposefully. Anker Publishing Company.

Breivik, Patricia Senn (1998). Student Learning in the Information Age   American Council on Education; Series on Higher Education. Oryx Press.

Brown, David G. (2000). Teaching with Technology – Seventy-five Professors from Eight Universities Tell Their Stories. Anker Publishing Company.

Bruffee, Kenneth A. (1999). Collaborative Learning – Higher Education, Interdependence, and the Authority of Knowledge. John Hopkins.

Christensen, C. Roland, Garvin, David A., Sweet, Ann (1991). Education for Judgment – The Artistry of Discussion Leadership. Harvard Business School.

Colby, Anne, Ehrlich, Thomas, Beaumont, Elizabeth, Stephens, Jason (2003). Educating Citizens – Preparing America's Undergraduates for Lives of Moral and Civic Responsibility. Jossey-Bass.

Colby, Anne, Beaumont, Elizabeth, Ehrlich, Thomas, Corngold, Josh (2007). Educating for Democracy – Preparing Undergraduates for Responsible Political Engagement. The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.

Edgerton, Russell, Hutchings, Patricia, Quinlan, Kathleen (1995). The Teaching Portfolio – Capturing the Scholarship in Teaching. AAHE.

Filene, Peter (2005). The Joy of Teaching – A Practical Guide for New College Instructors. Chapel Hill.

Greive, Donald (2003). A Handbook for Adjunct/Part-Time Faculty and Teachers of Adults, 5th edition. The Adjunct Advocate.

Kaplan, Matthew, Miller, A. T. (2007). Scholarship of Multicultural Teaching and Learning – New Directions for Teaching and Learning. Jossey-Bass.

Livsey, Rachel C., Palmer, Parker J. (1999). The Courage to Teach – A Guide for Reflection and Renewal. Jossey-Bass.

Lowman, Joseph (1995). Mastering the Techniques of Teaching, 2nd edition. Jossey-Bass.

Magnan, Robert (1990). 147 Practical Tips for Teaching Professors. Atwood Publishing.

Sarasin, Lynne Celli (1999). Learning Style Perspectives –  Impact in the Classroom. Atwood Publishing.

Sledge, Robert W. (1997). Scholarship and Character – Seventy-five Years of Alpha Chi. The National Council of Alpha Chi.

Timpson, William M., Canetto, Silvia Sara, Borrayo, Evelinn, Yang, Raymond (2003). Teaching Diversity – Challenges and Complexities, Identities and Integrity. Atwood Publishing.

Whitman, Neal A. (1988). Peer Teaching – To Teach is to Learn Twice. ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report.

Zubizarreta, John (2004). The Learning Portfolio – Reflective Practice for Improving Student Learning. Anker Publishing Company.



Blum, Susan D. (2009). My Word! Plagiarism and College Culture. Cornell University

Collins, Sarah (2003). Guide to Winning Proposals. The Foundation Center.

Fader, Daniel N., McNeil, Elton B. (1968). Hooked on Books: Program & Proof  How to Get the Most Reluctant Reader to Read, Read, Read! Berkley Press.

Geever, Jane C. (2004). The Foundation Center's Guide to Proposal Writing, 4th edition. The Foundation Center.

Graff, Gerald, Birkenstein, Cathy (2010). They Say, I Say – The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing. W. W. Norton & Company.

Howard, Rebecca Moore, Robillard, Amy E. (2008). Pluralizing Plagiarism – Identities, Contexts, Pedagogies. Heinemann.

Thaiss, Chris, Myers Zawacki, Terry (2006). Engaged Writers & Dynamic Disciplines – Research on the Academic Writing Life. Boynton/Cook Heinemann.



Booth, David, Thornley-Hall, Carol (1991). The Talk – Curriculum. Heinemann.

Walker, Decker F., Soltis, Jonas F. (1992). Curriculum and Aims, 2nd edition. Teachers College Press.


School Life

Clawson, Dan, Page, Max (2011). The Future of Higher Education. Routledge.

Flower, John A. (2003). Downstairs, Upstairs – The Changed Spirit and Face of College Life in America. The University of Akron Press.

Giroux, Henry A., Simon, Roger I. (1989). Popular Culture – Schooling & Everyday Life. Bergin & Carvey        .

Powell, Arthur G., Farrar, Eleanor, Cohen, David K. (1985). The Shopping Mall – High School  Winners and Losers in the Educational Marketplace. Houghton Mifflin.

Sizer, Theodore R. (1992). Horace's Compromise – The Dilemma of the American High School. Houghton Mifflin.

Sizer, Theodore R. (1992) Horace's School – Redesigning the American High School. Houghton Mifflin.



Aromaa, Kauko, Leppä, Seppo, Nevala, Sami, and Ollus, Natalia (2003). Crime and Criminal Justice in Europe and North America – Report on the Sixth United Nations Survey on Crime Trends and Criminal Justice Systems. European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control.

Classen, Albrecht (2009). Urban Space in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age – Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture. De Gruyter.

Conway, Jill Ker (1992). Autobiographies of American Women: An Anthology. Vintage Books.

Jones, Richard M. (1981). Experiment at Evergreen. Shenkman Books, Inc.

Kristof, Nicholas D., WuDunn, Sheryl (2009). Half the Sky – Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide. Vintage Books.

Laplante, Lisa J., Kinsley, Carol W. (1994). Things that work in Community Service Learning. The Community Service Learning Center.

Lynton, Ernest A. (1995). Making the Case for Professional Service. AAHE.

MacGowan, Kenneth Melnitz, William (1959). Golden Ages of the Theater. Prentice Hall.

McDonell, Nick (2010). The End of Major Combat Operations. McSweeny's.

Pore, Sally G., Reed, Kathlyn L. (1999). Quick Reference to Speech-Language Pathology. Aspen Publication.

The American Heritage Dictionary (2001).  4th edition. Houghton Mifflin.