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Parent Resources

The National Education Association's main focus is to help parents with giving their children the best education they can get. The site includes endless articles on tips for helping parents understand what is essential for children to learn most proficiently.
The U.S. Department of Education has countless links that will be very valuable to parents. The website has many categories that can be of great value to parents and, provides many resources on how to help your child learn in certain subjects. The site even talks about college loans and, even though it seems so far it may be valuable as a parent to see what lies ahead.
Parent Tool Kit is one of the most valuable sources I have seen. It offers tips on how to talk to your kids about certain topics and, provides tips for better learning. This site contains everything you can imagine because it covers child development all the way through after high school. I recommend this site for any kind of questions you have regarding your child's education. 
The Center for Parenting Education is actually for parents. This website offers tips on how to create a great home atmosphere as well as, tips for handling certain situations that relate to your children. This site is extremely valuable if you need tips on how to do what is best for your children as a caring parent.
PBS is a fantastic site containing many educational games that will engage your children in learning better than a worksheet. The site provides some tips for parents but, contains many educational tools and games that you can pick for your children to focus on. A development tracker can also be found on the site which, can be very valuable if you want to make sure your child is learning at their best.
The Learning Disabilities Association can be a very informative site if you are interested in learning more about disabilities. One of the hardest challenges can be a disability and, plenty of people may not be informed on what a specific disability is. This site contains information and the tools to help fully understand a disability. It also contains tips to help your child with challenges they may face if they have a disability.

Connect Safely is a resource to help inform parents about technology. Today, technology is becoming increasingly important in society and, understanding it can be extremely valuable. The goal of this site is to inform parents the value technology has in a classroom and, why it is important to use technology. The guide can be very helpful for parents to fully understand the purpose of using technology.