About Me
Parent Resources
Student Resources
Teacher Resources
Lesson Plan Example
Class Pet
Field Trips
Class Birthday's

About Myself

Hello students, parents, and fellow teachers! My name is Mr. Lynch and, I am extremely excited for this school year. Hopefully, we will explore all kinds of content that everyone is interested in. My goal is to provide a safe learning environment for everyone to be able to learn at their best! I firmly believe that every student needs to be given the same opportunities. Equality for every student is the most important thing I will bring to this classroom. Education is the most valuable resource in the world and, I will seize the opportunity to make sure every student feels as though they have gained something from being in my class.

A strong passion of mine has always been sports and, using activity to help with focus and learning. I believe this leads to an advantage in the classroom because having kids get up and move during class will help with their learning. I graduated from Westfield State University in 2021 and, pursued my masters at the University of Massachusetts in Lowell. I have worked for the towns recreation department since I was 17 and, in my third year was promoted to director. I have always enjoyed instructing and have a real passion for wanting to see every child succeed in their dreams. Nothing is more important to me than motivating a child to pursue their dreams no matter what it is. Everyone deserves praise and encouragement in anything they want to do.

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be able to educate these great students!

If there are any questions or concerns please contact me at lynch@sunnyvale.ed