Fall 2023 - The most recent class is listed first.
Class 37 Dec. 15 - Bromohydrin Formation from Lab
Class 36 Dec. 13 - Electrophilic Additions and Carbocation Rearrangements
Class 35 Dec. 11 - Electrophilic Addition and Carbocation Stability
Class 34 Dec 8 - Stability and Reactivity of Alkenes
Class 33 Dec. 6 - Alkene Nomenclature and the Z/E system of Naming Stereoisomers
Class 32 Dec. 4 - Energy, Reaction Coordinate Diagrams, and Alkene Stereochemistry
Dec 1 - Test 3
Class 31 Nov. 29 - Energy and Reaction Coordinate Diagrams
Class 30 Nov. 27 - Mechanisms, Equilibrium Constants, and Energy
Class 29 Nov. 22 - An Overview of Organic Reaction Types
Class 28 Nov. 20 - Enantiomers, Diastereomers and Chirality Centers on N, P, and S
Class 27 Nov. 17 - Fisher Projections and Molecules with more than One Chirality Center
Class 26 Nov. 15 - R and S configurations
Class 25 Nov. 13 - Recognizing Chirality Centers
Nov. 10 - No Classes Held
Class 24 Nov. 8 - cis/trans Isomers, Ring Flips, and an Introduction to Chirality
Class 23 Nov. 6 - Ring Strain and the Structure of Cyclohexanes
Nov. 3 - Test 2
Class 22 Nov. 1 - Practice Naming Cyclic Alkanes, and an Introduction to cis-trans Isomerism and Ring Strain
Oct. 30 - Class Canceled
Class 21 Oct. 27 - Practice drawing Newman Projections and an Introduction to Cycloalkanes
Class 20 Oct. 25 - Stereochemistry, Angle Strain, and Newman Projections
Class 19 Oct. 23 - Alkane Nomenclature and Rotamers
Class 18 Oct. 20 - Functional Groups and Alkane Nomenclature
Class 17 Oct. 18 - Functional Groups
Class 16 Oct. 16 - Intermolecular Forces
Class 15 Oct. 13 - Acids, Bases, and Intermolecular Forces
Class 14 Oct. 11 - Acids, Bases, and pKa
Oct. 10 - class canceled
Oct. 6 - Test 1
Class 13 Oct. 4 - Acids, Bases, and Arrow Pushing
Class 12 Oct. 2 - Resonance Contributors and Resonance Hybrids
Class 11 Sept. 29 - Resonance Contributors and Resonance Hybrids
Class 10 Sept. 27 - Polarity and Formal Charge
Class 9 Sept. 25 - Skeletal Structures
Class 8 Sept. 22 - Different Ways of Representing Molecules
Class 8 Sept. 22 - Class 8 Outline
Class 7 Sept. 20 - Using Hybridization to Explain Chemical Phenomena
Class 6 Sept. 18 - Introduction to Valence Bond Theory (cont.)
Class 5 Sept. 15 - Introduction to Valence Bond Theory
Class 4 Sept. 13 - Introduction to MO theory
Class 2 and 3 Sept. 8 and 11 - Orbitals, Electron Configurations, Periodic Trends, and an Introduction to MO theory
Class 1 Sept. 6 - Syllabus, Isotopes, and a reminder about Nomenclature
Fall 2022
Class 1 Sept. 7, 2022 - Syllabus and Chapter 1, syllabus review and atomic stucture
Class 2 Sept. 9, 2022 - Chapter 1, atomic stucture and periodic trends
Class 3 Sept. 12, 2022 - Chapter 1, periodic trends and using the periodic table to make predictions
Class 4 Sept. 14, 2022 and finished on Sept. 16. - Chapter 1, Lewis structures, Kekulé structures, structural formulas/condensed structures, and skeletal stuctures
Class 5 Sept. 16, 2022 - Chapter 1, introduction to MO theory
Class 6 and 7 Sept. 19 and 21, 2022 - Chapter 1, valence bond theory and hybridization
Class 8 Sept. 23, 2022 - Chapter 2, a reintroduction to acids and bases and pKa
Class 8 and 9 Sept. 23 and 26, 2022 - Chapter 2, pKa and structure as it relates to strength of acids
Class 8, 9, and 10 Sept. 23, 26, and 28, 2022 - Chapter 2, pKa and structure as it relates to strength of acids and bases
Class Canceled on 10/3
Class 11, 12, and 13 Oct. 5, 7, and 11 - Chapter 3, alkanes, intermolecular interactions and nomenclature
Class 13 and 14 Oct. 11 and 12 - Chapter 3, alkanes nomenclature alcohol nomenclature, rotation around single bonds and Newman projections
Oct. 14 - Test 1
Class 15 Oct. 17 - Chap 4, ring strain, partial rotations around single bonds in rings and the conformations of cyclohexanes
Class 16 Oct. 19 - Chap 4, cis and trans isomers and the use of the Z and E nomenclature system in alkenes
Class 17 Oct. 21 - Chap 4, an introduction to chirality
Class 18 Oct. 24 - Chap 4, R and S system of nomenclature
Class 19 Oct. 26 - Chap 4, enantiomers, diastereomers, and meso complexes and Chap 5, functional Groups
Class 20 Oct. 28 - Chap 5, degree of unsaturation and alkene nomenclature
Class 21 Oct. 31 - Chap 5, the basis for alkene reactivity, and electron arrow pushing
Class 22 and 23 Nov. 2 and 7 - Chap 5, mechanisms and reaction coordinate diagrams
Nov 4, Test 2
Class 24 and 25 Nov. 9 and 14 - Chap 5, more arrow pushing
Class 25 and 26 Nov. 14 and 16 - Chap 6, an introduction to electrophilic addition reactions and carbocation stability
Class 25, 26, and 27 Nov. 14, 16, and 18 - Chap 6, an introduction to electrophilic addition reactions, carbocation stability and rearrangement, and regioselectivity
Class 25-28 Nov. 14, 16, 18, 21, and 23 - Chap 6 H+ initiated electrophilic addition, halogen initiated electrophilic addition, and borane electrophilic addition reactions
Class 29 and 30 Nov. 23 - Chap 6, the stereochemical outcome of electrophilic addition reactions
E Add Summary handout
Dec 2, Test 3 - Chapters 5 and 6
Classes 31 - 35 Nov. 30, Dec. 5, 7, 9, and 13 - Nucleophilic Substitution
Fall 2021
Class 1 and 2 Sept. 3 and 10, 2021
Class 3 Sept. 13, 2021
Class 4 Sept. 15, 2021
Class 5 Sept. 17, 2021
O2 MO's Sept. 17, 2021
Class 6 Sept. 20, 2021
Class 7 Sept. 22, 2021
Class 8 Sept. 24, 2021: A re-introduction to acids and bases.
Class 9 Sept. 27, 2021: How conjugate bases are stabilized.
Class 10 (a continuation of class 9) Sept. 29, 2021: More on the stabilization of lone-pair electrons.
Class 11 Oct. 1, 2021: An Introduction to Alkanes
Class 12 Oct. 4, 2021: An Introduction to Alkanes and Alcohol Nomenclature
Nomenclature Worksheet
Class 13 Oct. 6, 2021: Intermolecular Forces
Test 1, Oct. 8.
Class 14 Oct. 12, 2021: Newman Projections and Cycloalkanes Forces
Class 15 Oct. 13, 2021: Cyclohexane conformations
Classes 16 - 18 Oct. 15, 18 and 20, 2021: Stereoisomers, cis and trans relationships in rings and alkenes, Z and E nomenclature, chirality and R and S nomenclature
Class 19 Oct. 22, 2021: R and S system of nomenclature, molecules with more than one chirality center, drawing chiral C atoms
Class 20 Oct. 25, 2021: Enantiomers, Diastereomers, Meso complexes, and degree of unsaturation in alkenes.
Class 21 Oct. 27, 2021: Degree of Unsaturation and Alkene Nomenclature
Class 22 Oct. 29, 2021: Alkene Nomenclature
Nov. 1: class canceled
Class 23 and 24 Nov. 3 and 8, 2021: Alkene reactivity, mechanisms, and arrow pushing
Test 2 Friday November, 5.
Class 25 Nov. 10, 2021: The Electrophilic Addition Reaction (HX)
Class 26 Nov. 12, 2021: The Electrophilic Addition Reaction (HX and ROH)
Class 27 and 28 Nov. 15 and 17, 2021: The Electrophilic Addition Reaction (HX and ROH and X2)
Class 29 Nov. 19, 2021: The Stereochemistry of Electrophilic Addition Reactions (H+ initiated)
Class 29 and 30 Nov. 22 and 24, 2021: The Stereochemistry of Electrophilic Addition Reactions (X2 initiated) and BH3 Reactions
Class 31 Nov. 24, 2021: Introduction to Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions
Class 32, 33, and 34 Nov. 29, Dec. 1, and Dec. 6 2021: Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions and an Introduction to Elimination Reactions
December 3: Test 3
Class 34, 35, 36, and 37 Dec. 6, 8, 10, and 12 2021: Elimination Reactions
Class 37 Dec. 12 2021: Elimination Reactions