Tour Our Classroom!
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This is the clock located near the door of our classroom. It is set up to look like a flower to help students learn to tell time. Each petal of the flower is marked with the corresponding time on the clock. This makes it easier for students to remember what each number on the clock stands for. Under the clock are 4 important times during the day. This helps the students see when the clock looks that way it is time for recess, lunch, snack, or a special. This helps students learn to tell time and it makes it fun!
These are our Sight Word Balloons. At the beginning of the year there are only a few balloons, but as the year progresses we add more. By the end of the year this is similar to what they look like. The students enjoy adding balloons to the wall. This also adds more color to the classroom!

This is our Math Center. Every week some activities in the center change based on what the students learn. At the beginning of the year the center has shape blocks, practice number sheets, counting blocks, and much more. The activities begin to become more difficult as the year progresses. 
In our classroom, we have a connecting doorway that leads into another room that includes two more centers. This is one of them. This is our Art Center. Students have many supplies to chose from to create projects. Sometimes specific projects are required, but the students usually have their chose of what they would like to make. Beside our Art Center are the cubbies for students to put all of their things each day.

This is the House Center. This center is located in the same room as our Art Center. The students have many toys in this center they can play with. They enjoy that this center looks like a house they enter. This is one of the students' favorite centers!

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