Sample Lesson Plan
This is a Lesson Plan created for Second Grade. This is not a subject we will cover in class, but all the Lesson Plans we use will look similar to this one.

Unit Topic or Theme: Math

Grade: Second Grade



Lesson Topic or Theme: Single Digit Multiplication 1-5

Lesson Objectives:

  • The student will be able to multiply single digit numbers (1-5).
  • The students will be able to create a model to show single digit multiplication (1-5).

Instruction Technique: Demonstration, Hands-on

Instruction Materials:

  • Picnic Math Game
  • Box/Boxes of Cheerios
  • Handout for Hands-on activity
  • Guide sheet for online activity/evaluation
  • Blank sheet of paper for Cheerios
  • Multiplication Table
  • Multiplication Flash Cards (2 Sets)

Theoretical Perspective: This information is important because multiplication is the base for math students will do as they go along in school.


Introductory Activity:

This part of the lesson is a demonstration performed by the teacher with the students participating when asked.

  1. The teacher will explain to the students that multiplication is repetitive addition. The teacher will write on the board the multiplication problem 2x3. He/she will explain what each number in a multiplication problem represents. The first number represents the number of groups and the second number represents the number of an item in a group. The teacher can also explain to the students, in case they are confused, that the first number tells them how many groups there will be of the second number.
  2. The teacher will count out 25 Cheerios from the box to show the students the amount of Cheerios they will all use.
  3. The teacher will then tell the students he/she will show them a few examples of how to use a model to perform multiplication.
  4. The first example will be 2x3. The teacher will have the students help him/her count out three Cheerios. He/she will show the students that those Cheerios are one group. The teacher will then have the students help count out three more Cheerios. He/she will show the students that those Cheerios are another group.
  5. The teacher will then ask the students how many groups there are and how many Cheerios there are in each group. This will allow the teacher to see if the students are following along and understanding what is being done.
  6. Next, the teacher will combine the two groups of Cheerios and have the students help him/her count how many are all together. The teacher will then tell the students that 2x3 equals 6.
  7. The teacher will repeat steps 4 through 6 with the multiplication problems 4x3 and 5x5.


Step-by-Step: Multiplying Cheerios Handout

  1. The teacher will hand out the Multiplying Cheerios handout to the students.
  2. The teacher will then pass out 25 Cheerios to each student.
  3. The teacher will explain the instructions to the students and tell them to look at the example on the handout to see what they need to draw in their box.
  4. The students will first look at the multiplication problem on their handout.
  5. The students will then create a model the multiplication problem on a blank sheet of paper with the Cheerios.
  6. After the students have made the model of the Cheerios, they will draw what they created in the box under “My Cheerios”.
  7. Once the students have completed the problem they clear their paper for the next problem.
  8. Students will repeat steps 4 through 7 for the rest of the problems.



This piece of the procedure is the Picnic Multiplication game online. The teacher will hand out the worksheet and explain the instructions to the students. The students will then follow each step on the worksheet to complete the worksheet.


Adaption for Different Learners:

One of the adaptions of this lesson plan is a times table fact sheet.  This will help those students that need to work visually. The students will able to check their answers to the problems with this table to reassure themselves of the work they have done. The second adaptation is two sets of flash cards. The first set is multiplication problems for the digits 1 through 5. The second set is models for the multiplication problems for digits 1 through 5. These flash cards can allow students to see the math in front of them and be able to count the piece of the problem to understand it better.



The homework is a simple worksheet reviewing the students in class activities. This allows the teacher to see if the students understand what they were taught in class.





  • The student will be able to multiply single digit numbers (1-5).
    • Successful completion for this objective will be documented through the Multiplying Cheerios handout because students are creating a model of a multiplication problem and this shows the students understand the concept. This will also be documented through the Picnic Multiplication handout with the game online because the chart piece of the handout shows what they have learned during this lesson.
  • The students will be able to create a model to show single digit multiplication (1-5).
    • Successful completion for this objective will be documented through the Multiplying Cheerios handout because the students are creating and then drawing a model of multiplication problems.


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