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Recipes, party ideas, craft ideas, and much more. This site is perfect for parents seeking simple at home projects to do with your child. I highly recommend exploring the variety of tools available through this site, that can improve education and be fun at the same time.

If your child is suffering from bullying inside or outside of school I highly recommend that you visit this site for its extremely valuable resources that will help your child. The site is also very useful for learning about bullying, with examples such as stories and videos. Also, there are resources to help parents deal with and assist a child who is being bullied. If your child is being bullied in school please urge them to talk to either myself, or another member of the school staff whom they trust!

For a child who loves reading, or is still developing their love of reading, this site is an amazing resource. Here you can browse a variety of books offered by the Scholastic book company and with your child find new stories and books to enjoy! Please help your child find books that they can fall in love with, reading is highly important in our class, and the more it is reinforced at home and school, the better the children will learn to read; and love reading.

If your child struggles with math, this site offers plenty of resources that can help you assist your child outside of the classroom. I highly encourage parents to look at this site, and see if any of the resources can benefit your child at home!

This site is great because it provides the basic health information that every family should have at hand. Information on basic first aid, different types of illness, and different types of infection are just a few of the resources available through this site. This is obviously no replacement for a doctors visit if your child is sick, but having the information at hand can help you decide if a visit is necessary, or if the problem can be treated from home.

This site is another great source for simple home activities that parents and children can safely do together! Crafts, recipes, and all types of other activities are available on this site, all of which incorporate different Disney movies and characters! If you can your child love fun and educational activities, or just love Disney, this site is an instant winner for you!

From Homework Help to Step-by-Step math assistance, this site has everything you need to support your child during there homework time. Anytime your child gets stuck or frustrated with their work I recommend checking this site to see if you can find the assistance or clarification that you need.