Monday Homework
Please complete all of the Odd number problems
on your homework sheet. (Problems 1, 3, 5, and
English: Please do a 10 or more minute
reading, either on your own or with a parent.
Make sure your parents sign that you completed
your reading log for Monday.
Spelling: Please review your spelling
words for this week! We will be using them as
much as possible during in class activities,
please look them over!
Please complete all of the Even number problems
on your homework sheet. (Problems 2, 4, 6, and
English: Please do a 10 or more minute
reading, either on your own or with a parent.
Make sure your parents sign that you completed
your reading log for Tuesday.
Spelling: Please complete your
illustrating the image sheet. Remember you need
to draw a picture of 5 different spelling words!
Please color your pictures if possible. |
No Math homework tonight!
English: Please do a 10 or more minute
reading, either on your own or with a parent.
Make sure your parents sign that you completed
your reading log for Wednesday.
Spelling: Please review your spelling
words tonight. Also please write a sentence for
each of your spelling words (include the word in
the sentence). We did examples of this during
English, try and write sentences similar to
Science: Please go outside tonight an
look at the moon, write down what you notice
about the moon, and bring it to class tomorrow!
Please complete the 3 words problems that were
given out at the end of class! This is a new
topic, please write down anything that confuses
you, so we can talk about that tomorrow.
English: Please do a 10 or more minute
reading, either on your own or with a parent.
Make sure your parents sign that you completed
your reading log for Thursday.
Spelling: Please review your spelling
words in whatever way works best for you! We
will be having a quiz tomorrow in class, I know
that all of you know the words very well and
will do great |
No homework
on Fridays! Enjoy your weekend and bring back
any fun stories to share on Monday!