Click here for free swimming award certificate templates. Certificates are a good way to provide encouragement to the students and parents as the students success in learning each new skill is put into writing and rewarded.
This resource is bountiful and unique. It includes a swimming lesson podcast and other tips.
Click for an example swim lesson plan, along with a blank template to copy, print and use to plan one’s own lessons.
This app has a built in swimming lesson plan developed by a certified swimming coach to help teach from beginning to advanced swimmers. SwimtoFly is also an employment resource as partners swim teachers with schools and parents.
Has resources for certifications, lesson plans, student/instructor assessments and instructor accessories. Ex: Pool noodles, Bar bells and rings.
Click here for tips on how to teach swimming including an article on ways to teach swimming with a flotation device that helps the students to rely on it less and instead as a tool.