
As part of our attempt to create a welcoming and inclusive environment we are making information about who is here and Westfield state and what we all do easier to access so you know who to contact about what.


How can we help?

As part of our attempt to create a welcoming and inclusive environment we are making information about who is here at Westfield State University and what we all do easier to access, so you know who to contact about what. Check out the general list below and then the more informal list of contacts on particular issues or services outside of our professional life.


Office of the President
Evan S. Dobelle – President  

Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs – Elizabeth Preston
Vice President for Administration and Finance - Jerry Hayes
Vice President of Graduate and Continuing Education – Kim Tobin
Vice President for Student Affairs – Carlton Pickron
Vice President for Advancement and University Relations - Ken Lemanski
Vice President for Enrollement Management - Carol Persson

Campus Groups and Organizations

World Languages and Literatures

Ethnic and Gender Studies

Global Women’s History Institute

Student Support Services

Academic Achievement
Maureen McCartney

Urban Education
Joan Fuller

Academic Advising Center
Laurie Simpson

The Reading and Writing Center
Dr. Catherine Savini

Student with Disabilities Services
Joe Shinn

Organizations on Campus

Student based:

Third World Student Organization

Massachusetts State College Association Chapter - President Kenneth Haar

Faculty Center
The Faculty Center promotes discussion of and reflection on our faculty's ideas and concerns about teaching, learning, scholarship, and the profession. The Center seeks to foster a community which celebrates both the diversity of individual fields of study and the unity of academic inquiry.
Elizabeth Stassinos
Phone: (413) 572-5298

MCES affiliate faculty
Margot Hennessy

SANKOFA Organization of Diverse Faculty and Staff
Dr. Christina Swaidan