Welcome Parents!
Here you will find great resources you and your student can interact with at home. As much as we use these resources in school, I believe learning does not stop in the classroom!

Here is the link to the grading system I will be using throughout the year. you can see how well your student is doing in each subject we cover during our school day. If you have any questions please contact me!

This is a great resource to find new books for your student! Students also have the opportunity to look online for new books to order for our classroom using Scholastic!

This is a great resource to learn a bit more about reading in first grade. This website will give you the opportunities to read out loud as well as give your student practice for each day! There are many tips listed to help your child succeed in reading.

Here you can get free resources to help your student with handwriting. This website aims to make handwriting legible and fluent as well as make it an easy and automatic skill students have no problem mastering!

This website is great for playing games with an academic twist. Students always need brain breaks so why not make them a little educational? Students will have opportunities to explore this website in our classroom when time allows!

This resource has many educational moves for student in Kindergarten through third grade. There are quizzes, games as well as other activities for kids. We use this website when introducing new topics and everyone in our class loves it!

This resource is great and amazes students! There are many videos as well as short articles about topics student may not know about! There is so much to explore and I hope you and your student will be able to do this at home!

Contact Miss. A
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Daily Schedule
Student of the Week
Lesson Plan
Technology Statement