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What are the Seasons?

Lesson Plan

Unit Topic or Theme: Science 

Grade: 2nd 

Lesson Topic or Theme: Weather and Seasons 

Lesson Objectives

  • The students will be able to identify the order that the seasons occur in, that they repeat each year, and what the four seasons are; summer, fall, winter, and spring.The students will also learn how there are more daylight hours in summer and fewer daylight hours during the winter. 

Instructional Materials:

  • Notebook 

  • Pencil

  • Computers with headphones

  • generationgenious.com

  • Construction paper 

  • Crayons 

  • Markers 

  • Colored pencils 



The teacher will take the students outside and recap on what has been discussed in class during the week. The four seasons; summer, fall, winter, and spring. Then the teacher will ask the students to write down in a notebook what the season currently is and what season they think will come next. The students will not know the answer until after doing the website activity.

  1. After the students do the introductory activity they will then go back inside the classroom and sit at their computers. 

  2. The students will receive a handout that explains what website they must go to once they are situated at their computers. 

  3. After they finish the website and handout activity, as a class they will go over the answers of the, After the Video questions on the handout. The teacher will also  

  4. The teacher will collect their papers once they finish going over the answers. 

  5. The class will then get white construction paper and their choice of either markers, crayons, or colored pencils.

  6. The students will then create four boxes on their construction paper. In order they will draw the seasons and different activities that they do during each of those seasons. 


  • Once finished they will each share their pictures with class. The teacher will ask them what their favorite season is and what activity they like to do most during that season.


Objectives stated earlier in plan:

  • The students will be able to pinpoint what the four seasons are. 

  • The students will be able to identify the order that the seasons occur in.

  • Show that the seasons repeat each year.

  • The students will also learn how there are more daylight hours in summer and fewer daylight hours during the winter and be able to state why. 

Through the handout given the students will be writing down answers that closely match the objectives stated. The teacher can then assess whether the students understand and have reached these objectives. Through the drawing the seasons activity that will be given to them they will also be able to demonstrate and speak about the four seasons. This will give the teacher a better understanding of what knowledge the students have gained through the activities previously given during the lesson.