Allen Road Elementary School
Welcome to Miss Boyd's Classroom!
Grade 5 Room 228

Welcome parents, guardians, and students! This is the class website for Miss Boyd's fifth grade classroom. On this website, you'll be able to find information about me, student, parent, and teacher resources, information about our class pet, example of a lesson plan, our daily schedule, and our class wish list. I enjoy keeping parents and guardians up to date with what is going on in our classroom. My example lesson plan will allow parents and guardians to have insight on the type of lessons I do. The daily schedule will have the class specials for the week along with what the students will have for homework each night. 
In this classroom, we work hard, be respectful to each other, and have fun too! I strive to make technology part of my classroom.
As the students grow, computers will become increasingly part of their education. I like to introduce students to using computers to complete their assignments early to prepare them for the MCAS and their educational future. I hope this website will be helpful to everyone and that we have a great year!

Meet the Teacher!
Student Resources
Parent Resources
Teacher Resources

Class Pet
Lesson Plan
Daily Schedule
Class Wishlist