Welcome to
Room 5 of
Puppies Elementary School!
This website is here to help parents and kids stay up
to date and organized with the things that happen in room 5.
There will be announcements posted
periodically on this home page so that everyone can always check
for upcoming events or changes.
Be sure to check
the homework page as it will be
updated weekly. Please check the lesson plan page weekly
as well. This way, parents and guardians can get a look at
just a few of the awesome things we learn!
Many of the lesson plans that are uploaded will include
technology use. Puppies Elementary is a strong supporter of
technology use for education and so in room 5, we will try our
best to incorporate it into our learning. Technology in any form
is important as it allows students to interact with learning in
ways that they cannot do with paper and pencils. Lessons
involving technology are geared to be fun, challenging, and
engaging. These lessons tend to be particularly
helpful for the more hands-on or visual learners.
The resource page
includes websites for students, teachers, and
parents. Some of these sites have materials and
technologies that we will use in class. Parents;
please feel free to browse through any
of these! Not just the parent sites! All sites can
be beneficial for you to view!
Friday, March 14th
Whoops! Miss O. forgot to hand out the
math sheet for this weekend's homework! I
know you are all very upset about
this. :-) Do
some extra reading
instead! Don't
worry, we will work on the math together
as a class on Monday and Tuesday. Enjoy
the weekend!!