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Lunch Menu |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
1 Chicken tenders/Cheese burger
Mixed vegetables Mashed potatoes Choice of Milk, Orange Juice & Apple Juice |
2 Beef or Chicken Taco Corn Side salad Choice of Milk, Orange Juice & Apple Juice |
3 Hot dog Bag of chips Mozzarella sticks Choice of Milk, Orange Juice & Apple Juice |
4 Mac and cheese or Grilled cheese French fries or Sweet potato fries Fruit cup Choice of Milk, Orange Juice & Apple Juice |
5 Tater tots Garlic bread Baked beans Choice of Milk, Orange Juice & Apple Juice |
8 Pepperoni or Cheese pizza Bread sticks filled with cheese Fruit cup Choice of Milk, Orange Juice & Apple Juice |
9 French toast strips Eggs Home fries Choice of Milk, Orange Juice & Apple Juice |
10 Hamburger with bun Peas and onions Chocolate cookie Choice of Milk, Orange Juice & Apple Juice |
11 Mini corn dogs Potato wedges Side salad Choice of Milk, Orange Juice & Apple Juice |
12 Pasta with cheese Garlic bread Coleslaw Choice of Milk, Orange Juice & Apple Juice |
15 Chicken noodle soup Green beans Teddy grams Choice of Milk, Orange Juice & Apple Juice |
16 PB & J sandwich Bag of chips Apple sauce Choice of Milk, Orange Juice & Apple Juice |
17 Popcorn chicken Mixed vegetables Goldfish Choice of Milk, Orange Juice & Apple Juice |
18 Sloppy Joe French fries or Waffle fries Bag of chips Choice of Milk, Orange Juice & Apple Juice |
19 Spaghetti and Meat balls with sauce and cheese Garlic bread Glazed carrots Choice of Milk, Orange Juice & Apple Juice |
22 Chili Cheese its Apple slices Choice of Milk, Orange Juice & Apple Juice |
23 BBQ pork sandwich Carrot sticks Animal cracker Choice of Milk, Orange Juice & Apple Juice |
24 Chicken patty Waffle fries White rice Choice of Milk, Orange Juice & Apple Juice |
25 Nachos Side salad Animal crackers Choice of Milk, Orange Juice & Apple Juice |
26 Shepard's pie Jello cup Chex mix Choice of Milk, Orange Juice & Apple Juice |
29 Orange chicken w/ white rice Fruit cup Steamed carrots Choice of Milk, Orange Juice & Apple Juice |
30 Baked potato Apple sauce Green beans Choice of Milk, Orange Juice & Apple Juice |
31 Happy Halloween! Chicken pot pie Muddies buddies or rice creepy treats Pumpkin pie slice or Apple pie slice Apple cider or Milk |