Organic Chemistry Home Page
Feel free to examine the syllabus for CHEM 0201-001 (MWF 10:25-11:15) and CHEM 0201-002 (9:20-10:10).
Our textbook is available at
Remember that there is a Student Solutions Manual and a Student Study Guide available for McMurry's textbook, too.
Here is a table of some electronegativities that as an organic chemist you may find useful.
Here is a page where you can examine representations of an oxygen atom's atomic orbitals, and these pages show how the atomic orbitals from two oxygen atoms can combine to form molecular orbitals.

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Here is a page where you can see how hybrid and atomic orbitals are used to make bonds in methane, formaldehyde, and acetylene.

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On these pages you can view molecular models that resemble Newman projections.
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On these pages you can measure the bond angles and view the Newman projections for a variety of cyclohexanes.
On these pages you can see views of the molecular orbitals on carbocations that help to stabilize the carbocations.
You can go to this page to see how a chiral molecule fits into the active site of an enzyme. |
