Westfield State University offers CEUs to licensed social workers in the following ways:
Future dates TBA
Four face-to-face seminars are scheduled for the following Wednesday evenings from 6 - 9pm:
At some point in your career as a highly skilled social worker or human service professional, you may find yourself promoted from line/clinical/direct care staff to supervisor or administrator. As you move into these positions, you may find that despite your prior training, you still feel completely unprepared and as if you are missing key areas of training. This certificate program is designed to bridge that gap for you and provide you with the core knowledge of leadership, administration, and supervision to help you be successful as you transition into a leadership role.
The program is divided into four units. For each unit, you will complete five one-hour online modules and then attend a three hour face-to-face seminar that explores the application of material covered in the online modules. The entire program takes 12 weeks to complete.
Cost: $800
CEUs: 32 CEUs for licensed social workers
Note: You may enroll in individual trainings at $30 (1 CEU) per module. Face-to-face seminars are restricted to certificate participants only.
Unit 1: Basics of Leaderships
In this first unit participants will be introduced to core background knowledge regarding leadership, supervision, and administration. The on-line trainings modules are:
1. Management theory presented by Robert Kersting, Ph.D., A.C.S.W.
In this first Module participants will be introduced to the overall program and then get an introduction to background organizational theory. This background will provide a foundation to aid the participant in understanding organizations and the role of managers and supervisors in today's complex world. The module will explore the traditional Bureaucratic Model, Scientific Management, the Human Relations School, and the Contingency School. Finally, alternative theories of organizations will be discussed.
2. Leadership theory presented by Robert Kersting, Ph.D., A.C.S.W.
This module will open with a review of the roles of leaders (managers and supervisors) within the context of the organization of agencies. The module will focus on a presentation of the Situational Leadership Model and end with characteristics of effective leaders
3. Supervision 101 presented by Michael Kelliher, MBA
This course is designed to provide the student with a comprehensive introduction to the work of supervision. Learners will be exposed to core concepts they can readily enact in either their current or future role as staff manager. Managers accomplish their goals through the effective engagement of their staff. Essential to the successful manager is the recognition that staff have needs which the supervisor must address. Fundamental Topics covered include:
4. Leading Meetings presented by Peter McLean, M.Ed.
Many supervisors appear to cringe at the prospect of making meetings or participating on committees. If you have endured through poor meetings or survived a floundering committee, and you likely have, you understand the cringe factor. This lecture will recognize that many meetings are not effective but then address why meetings are important. The keys to organizing and running successful meetings are found in the preparation, facilitation and follow-up. What steps to take at each of these junctures will be illustrated as well as the ultimate impact of successful meetings.
5. IT and IS basics presented by Thomas Galanis, MPA and Kelly Galanis
Through a general overview, we will examine the definition of IT and IS and how they apply to the human services field. We will discuss policies and procedures including PCI compliance, FOIA and HIPPA. The IT portion will cover how your computer infrastructure is designed and how firewalls work with this infrastructure to provide security and confidentiality. We will also examine how email works and will cover what’s private, what can be searched, what is public, and other important aspects a Social Worker should know.
Unit 2: Administration
In this second unit participants examine key information needed to take on administrative roles. The on-line training modules are:
1. HR basics/managing personnel presented by Michael Kelliher, MBA
This program offers the student a high level overview of the HR function as found within the typical healthcare organization. By providing an overview of the functions of the HR staff, the current trends and challenges facing all managers and a brief outline of the various federal and state laws which impact day to day management of staff, the student should gain an appreciation of how HR is an integral part of every supervisor’s life. Key Concepts to be explored include:
2. Budgeting presented by Kimberly Tobin, Ph.D.
This module gives the participant the basic skills to develop a budget and understand the budgeting process including budget management.
3. Interpreting Financial Statements presented by Kimberly Tobin, Ph.D.
Though may human service professionals prefer to not deal with the finances side of agency work some understanding of the finances is important. In this module. participants are introduced to the basics skills to understand financial management.
4. Electronic Information, Systems, and Data presented by Thomas Galanis, MPA and Kelly Galanis
This portion explores the digital world of a Social Worker, and includes accessing electronic client records in a safe manner. We will learn where the data is sourced from, and what is typically contained in these records. We will examine how HR and financial systems work and the data they contain, and will take a closer look at policies and procedures surrounding these systems and important information you’ll need to know while accessing this information.
5. Website Development and Management presented by Thomas Galanis, MPA and Kelly Galanis
This module provides an overview of website development and management. We will learn the many ways web pages are created and how to select content to populate a website. We will cover an introduction to transferring and accepting funds electronically, as well as how to manage a website once it is live. We will close out this module with a review of the three modules.
Unit 3: Supervision
In this third unit participants examine the many duties and roles of a supervisor. Participants are introduced to multiple theories and models of supervision with a focus on the skills of supervision. The on-line trainings are:
1. Evidence-Based Supervision presented by Robert Kersting, Ph.D., A.C.S.W.
This module will review the basics of supervision, Evidence Based Practice and the integration of Evidence Based Practice into the supervisory process. Tips for good supervision will be included in the lecture.
2. Supervision and Social Identity: Implications for the workplace presented by Maria del Mar Farina, Ph.D.
This module is designed to introduce students to social groups processes and social identity theory to provider future and/or existing managers with a foundational framework to effectively manage and supervise an increasingly more diverse workforce. Dynamics pertaining to historical structural and systemic oppression will be introduced, as well as its marginalizing implications. The module will conclude with a direct managerial/supervisory example, that will integrate social identity theory and social group processes theory into the supervisory process.
3. Communication & Supervision presented by Peter McLean, M.Ed.
Good communication is the foundation of a successful supervisory relationship. Obvious, correct? While one would think this is obvious the steps that lead to good communication with supervisees manage to elude many. Considering effective listening skills, communication styles and a formula for effective feedback this lecture provides a number of practices to follow that will improve communication and ultimately enhance the supervisor, supervisee relationship. Not only is effective communication essential in getting the day to day work done, it also sets the stage for impactful development of your staff and will lead to a more effective and dynamic team.
4. Trauma-Informed Supervision presented by Terri Haven, MSW, LICSW
Awareness of the need to enhance systems of care to become more trauma-informed, even when trauma may not be the main focus of service, has become central in most social service environments over the last several years. This requires not only the training and ongoing support of the front line worker, but also those who are responsible for the supervision and management of those workers. This workshop will provide participants with the opportunity to learn the central components of trauma-informed supervision, with an additional emphasis on vicarious traumatization for both the worker and the supervisor. The workshop will include didactic material and examples of applications of the concepts in various settings and will draw from a variety of resources including the trainer’s clinical and academic experience.
5. Writing Staff Evaluations
An integral part of supervision and a clear responsibility of supervisors is to give both formal and informal feedback. This presentation will provide the participant with the knowledge and skills to give formal feedback, informal feedback and understand how two work together to aid staff in the develop of their knowledge and skills to perform their job and develop their career path.
Unit 4: Advanced Leadership and Supervision
In this final unit participants have the opportunity to explore areas of interest that build on prior module learning. The final face to face seminar gives the opportunity to explore these areas and tie together the learning that occurred during the entire certificate program. The on-line training electives include:
1. Clinical Knowledge & Supervision presented by Katya Cerar, LICSW, PhD
Supervising others is a unique skill. Though supervision has elements of relationships with clients, colleagues, and peers, it is a different and important relationship. Supervisors are frequently promoted to supervisory roles with little or no training because they are good at their work or because of structure and reporting requirements of the agencies in which they work. This lecture seeks to build an understanding of the supervisory relationship. We will review elements of supervision in mental health settings. Models of supervisor and supervisee development will be reviewed as well as stylistic difference and its impact on supervision . We will explore the relational dynamics of parallel process; transference/countertransference; internalization; self awareness/reflection; and management of ambiguity. Evaluation of differential use of self, diversity and difference, and roles in supervision (ie teaching, coaching, and modeling) will be reviewed. We will explore dynamics of power and authority and the establishment and maintenance of boundaries in the supervisory relationship.
2. Clinical Skills and Supervising Nonclinical Staff presented by Katya Cerar, LICSW, PhD
Although supervision is increasingly recognized as being of value in a range of helping professions, there are still many who do not receive supervision (Westergaard, 2013). Direct care workers who have little or no education for their positions, comprise a major segment of the behavioral health workforce (Hoge, Morris, Daniels, Stuart, Huey, and Adams, 2007). Non-clinicians who provide services are often unfamiliar with the concept of supervision because it is not viewed as central to their work. Yet these workers engage in direct care relationships with clients using clinical skills to work toward positive change (Westergaard, 2013). Education and support of workers has been well recognized as crucial to effective practice in clinical social work. (Bogo and McKnight, 2006). Strengthening the skills of direct care workers can benefit the people they serve and the organizations where they work. As healthcare reform in the US dramatically increases the number of people who will have access to treatment, it becomes more urgent to strengthen the competencies of direct care workers in order to meet the nation’s healthcare needs (Daily, Morris and Hoge, 2015). This lecture will highlight common clinical dynamics encountered by direct care staff and introduce participants to the need for and the concept of supervision for this group. Case examples will be used to show how clinical supervision and training can be applied on an inpatient adolescent unit and with residential, day treatment and outreach teams serving young adolescents and young adults with emerging and ongoing mental health challenges.
3. Motivational Interviewing and Supervision presented by Sara Schieffelin, LICSW
"Motivational Interviewing is a collaborative, goal-oriented style of communication with particular attention to the language of change. It is designed to strengthen personal motivation for and commitment to a specific goal by eliciting and exploring the person's own reasons for change within an atmosphere of acceptance and compassion."
-Stephen Rollnick and William R. Miller, Sheffield, UK October 2011
Motivational Interviewing (MI) is an evidenced-based practice that came out of the addictions field and is applicable to a wide range of presenting problems. It is currently used in the health care, mental health, and substance abuse/recovery fields and is gaining increasing recognition for its efficacy, broad application, and humanistic approach. This lecture will offer an overview of motivational interviewing, and will describe the application of MI components to supervision, with emphasis on the embodiment of MI spirit and use of MI skills during the processes of engaging, focusing, evoking, and planning in supervision.
4. Conflict Management and Supervision
(Being developed)
5. Best Practices in Effective Supervision with Student Interns presented by Maureen Clark, MSW, LICSW
This module explores the experience of supervising student interns. It provides participants with a review of supervision styles with explicit attention to the unique role of supervising students. Participants will learn about the stages of development of interns, approaches for creating a solid supervision plan, techniques for enhancing student learning, and effective strategies for issues that may arise during the course of the internship.
6. Social Media and Supervision presented by Douglas Foresta, LICSW
This module explores the clinical implications of social media for supervisors. The rise in popularity of social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat means that more than ever supervisors need to be able to think through and assess the role that social media plays in the lives of their supervisees and the clients that they serve. This module explores some of the most common issues and concerns that arise with social media and also examines some of the ways that social media can be used ethically and constructively in the supervision process.
More options being considered.
Katya Cerar, LICSW, PhD, is the Director of Young Adult Programs in the Mental Health and Recovery Services Division at ServiceNet in western Massachusetts. Here she manages and supervises teams of professional and non-professional staff, providing outreach and residential services in the community; as well as the Prevention and Treatment from Early Psychosis (PREP) team, a day treatment model. An experienced clinician and supervisor, Dr. Cerar, has worked in residential, forensic and outpatient settings; and has provided consultation to agencies in a number of areas including supervision and training of staff in the areas of trauma, clinical concepts, boundaries, therapeutic alliance, DBT, team building, inclusion of families in treatment, and systems and collaterals, among others. Dr. Cerar also teaches at the Westfield State University School of Social Work and is a field advisor and supervisor for the Smith College School for Social Work. Dr. Cerar has provided field instruction for students from Springfield College, Westfield State University, UCONN, and Boston College, among others.
Maureen Clark, MSW, LICSW, is an Assistant Professor in the Social Work department at Westfield State University. She is a 2006 graduate of Springfield College School of Social Work, and a current doctoral candidate at the UConn School of Social Work. Maureen has extensive experience working with children, adolescents and adults dealing with a range of clinical disorders, in both outpatient and inpatient settings. Most of Maureen’s experience comes from working for over a decade for Behavioral Health Network Crisis Services. There she began as a child and adult trained crisis clinician before becoming a shift supervisor, and then ultimately moving into the role of staff development supervisor, where she provided training and clinical supervision for a team of over 120 employees. Among her many duties, she had oversight and direct supervision of a large, competitive internship program working with both Bachelor and Master level students from programs throughout the Northeast. Maureen has been a passionate advocate and proponent for continued learning for delivery of best practices. She is invested in research that focuses on implicit and explicit experiences of coercion among individuals with psychiatric illnesses and gaps within the mental health service delivery system that contribute to these experiences. Maureen’s current research is a critical phenomenological study on the lived experience of involuntary civil commitment in Massachusetts. The objective of the study is to explore how individuals in early adulthood narrate and embody their experience of involuntary civil commitment, focusing the connection to identity formation, and how societal values and ideologies related to mental illness impact the policy and practice of involuntary civil commitment. Maureen’s passion for education goes beyond her own learning. In addition to her full time position she has taught as adjunct faculty at Bay Path University, Elms College, UConn, and Sacred Heart University.
Maria del Mar Farina, PhD is an Assistant Professor at Westfield State University, Social Work Department, in Westfield, MA. She completed her doctoral degree at Smith College, School for Social Work, in Northampton, MA, where she went on to become an Adjunct Professor and Assistant Director of Field. She is also a graduate of the MBA program at Western New England College, in Springfield, MA. She maintains a clinical private practice in Holyoke, MA, working primarily with the Latino community. She recently published White Nativism, Ethnic Identity and U.S. Immigration Policy Reforms: American Citizenship and Children in Mixed Status Hispanic Families. Her work has been presented in the United States and Europe, including in Turkey and Poland, at the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), in Italy, at Processes Influencing Democratic Ownership and Participation (PIDOP), part of the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme, and in Dallas, Texas, at the CSWE Annual Program Meeting.
Thomas Galanis, MPA, is a seasoned technology professional with a background in both the public and private sector and a focus on secondary and higher education. Tom has a unique blend of expertise in the fields of Information Technology and non-profit management, paired with a talent for educating and instructing individuals through clear communication. He is an out-of-the-box teacher who brings life and energy to his curriculum.
Tom's education includes a Master’s in Public Administration from Westfield State University and a Bachelor's in Computer Science from UMass Amherst. His studies examined best practices and the utilization of technology and social media in the Non-Profit and Public Sectors. The "bridge" between the functional and technical areas of many information systems, Tom has an ability to acquire the knowledge base of technical and functional processes on every project he oversees. Tom has spent significant time researching and presenting his work on strategic planning for technology and the impact of technology on government, education and non-profit organizations. His is dedicated to organizational behavior, change management, and project management. He is currently the Business Systems Analyst for Springfield Technical Community College and is an adjunct instructor at Westfield State University.
Kelly A. Galanis is a higher education professional with over 15 years of experience working for both public and private institutions. Her tenure in higher education has been diverse, working for Admissions at Bay Path University and for the divisions of Academic Affairs and Advancement and University Relations and Westfield State University. Kelly's experience includes award-winning practices in the field of information management, database design, and website design for educational institutions. She is proficient with prospect research, communication practices, and marketing aspects within higher education.
Heralded as a social media expert, her unique approach to consulting and educating others on the topic is highly sought after in the Northeast region. She currently serves as an adjunct professor at Bay Path and Westfield State University. Long active from a leadership standpoint, Kelly has served on the boards of many organizations, and currently serves on the boards of Massachusetts Women in Public Higher Education, Inc. (where she served as President in 2010), and the Bay Path College Alumni Association Council. She is currently employed at Westfield State University as the Associate Director of Advancement Communication and Information Services, and owns and operates The Red-Headed Diva, a consulting and presentation company, helping individuals, groups, and organizations develop positive online social media presences.
Terri J. Haven, MSW, LICSW, has worked in the fields of human services and psychological trauma in varying capacities for over 30 years. Since her first position as a counselor at the Mississippi State Penitentiary in the 1970s, Terri’s career has included organizational responsibilities such as Program Manager for a Community Action Agency, Director of Trauma Services, Human Rights Consultant, and Vice President of Clinical Operations for a multi-site outpatient mental health agency. She has also been an Adjunct Professor for several schools of social work for over 20 years. Currently Terri is an adjunct professor and Field Education Director for the Westfield State University Department of Social Work in Westfield, Massachusetts.
Terri is a Master Trainer in the Risking Connection Relational Trauma Model, is certified in EMDR, and has completed training at the advanced level as a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner. She has published numerous articles on trauma related topics and presented to audiences both nationally and internationally. Terri also served as a trauma consultant for a healing and reconciliation project in Rwanda and The Democratic Republic of Congo.
No matter the position, Terri’s passion clearly lies in serving the survivors and families of both individual and community trauma as well as the providers who support them. She maintains a private psychotherapy practice and provides consultation and training to individuals and organizations regarding the far-reaching impact of psychological trauma, including vicarious traumatization and the development of trauma-informed practice.
Mike Kelliher, MBA, has over thirty years HR experience in a diverse spectrum of industries. Mike began his career with PSNH, the electric utility for NH as a recruiting supervisor. He then worked for two multinational construction firms, Deutsche Babcock and Skanska USA as a Human Resource Manager. Mike also served as the Town of Weymouth’s (MA) first HR Director, HR Director for Cooley Dickinson Hospital, and Vice President of Human Resources for Brattleboro Memorial. Today, Mike is the Vice President of Human Resources for Behavioral Health Network, an organization with over 1,900 employees who provide Mental Health Services throughout Western Mass.
Mike received his Bachelors from Fairfield University, his MBA in HR from the University of Massachusetts/Amherst, and his JD from New England Law. He is a licensed attorney in the state of Massachusetts. In addition, Mike has a Certified Compensation Professional designation from the World at Work Professional Association and a Certified Compliance Professional designation from HCCA.
Mike resides in New Hampshire with his wife Jennifer and their son Michael.
Peter McLean, M. Ed. has worked for the past seven years as the Training and Development Manager at Pathlight (until recently The Association for Community Living). Mr. McLean develops and coordinates training programs and delivers trainings to direct care staff and to the management team. The past two years Mr. McLean has been part of developing Pathlight’s Leadership Institute, working with supervisors in preparation to take on senior management roles.
Mr. McLean has spent 28 years in human services working with various groups including those with developmental disabilities, persistent mental health challenges, substance abuse issues, homeless individuals, and individuals involved in the correctional system. Over those years, he has run both day and residential programming and shelters in the capacity of program and division director. He received his Master’s in Education from Cambridge College and last year received the Robert V. Agoglia Community Living Award for advocating and creating opportunities for full community inclusion for those served by Pathlight.
Doug Foresta, LICSW, produces podcasts for organizations and individuals across the U.S., including the National Association of Workforce Boards (NAWB), California Workforce Association, Ruh Global Communications, San Diego Metro Career Centers and many others. He is the producer and host of Creating Change on Empower Radio and iHeartRadio and produces a nationally syndicated segment on thought leadership on Biz Talk Radio. Prior to his podcast production work, Doug was the Head of Therapists for Talkspace, an online therapy startup, and worked for the Department of Children and Families for over a decade. He is also a visiting professor at Westfield State University.
Robert C. Kersting, Ph.D. A.C.S.W., is the Chair of the Department of Social Work and the founding Director of the MSW Program at Westfield State University. Beyond his teaching and administrative experience at WSU, he has worked as a supervisor and clinical director at a community mental health center in New Jersey and in administrative roles in a residential school in New Jersey. Bob holds a BA from Hope College in Holland MI, an MSW from Fordham University, and a Ph.D. in social work from Rutgers University.
Sara Schieffelin, L.I.C.S.W. has worked with children, families, and adults in Massachusetts and Thailand, and is currently the Clinical Director of the Transitional Age Youth Program (TAY) at ServiceNet, in Northampton MA, a Department of Mental Health-funded program serving young adults living with symptoms of mental illness and substance abuse. Sara has been teaching Motivational Interviewing since 2013, earned her MI training certificate from the Health and Educational Training Institute (HETI) in Portland, ME, and has been accepted for membership in the international organization Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT). Sara supervises clinical and direct care staff, as well as Master of Social Work interns, and regularly uses MI skills in supervision.
To explore our catalogue of online offerings:
Our current list of online CEU lectures in iTunes U at the Westfield State University site includes:
Evidence-Based Supervision (1 CEU)
At some point in social workers' careers they often find themselves in the role of supervisor. In this video by Dr Robert Kersting, we will explore the basics of supervision and examine the application of the evidence-based practice process to the supervision process.
Foundations of Generalist Practice (1 CEU)
Critical thinking skills and Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) have become important for social work practitioners today. In this video by Dr Robert Kersting you will be introduced to the basics of Critical Thinking and EBP, why they are important, and how do we apply these concepts to our practice.
*The materials at iTunes U are free to explore and download. To receive CEU credit you need to complete a short quiz on the content you selected and pay a $20.00 per CEU processing fee. To receive the quiz and pay the processing fee contact Jessica Tansey at jtansey@westfield.ma.edu.