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Student Resources

Khan Academy


Khan Academy is an organization that produces short lessons through videos. It also provide extra help questions on content areas that students may be struggling with.


Quizlet is a useful tool to help study for exams, and vocabulary words. Here I have posted the link to our classroom's quizlet site. This will help to prepare for upcoming test, and vocabulary that is essential to know.

Google classroom is a tool that will be used throughout the school year. It will be a way for students to share their files, as well as for myself to share files created I have. 

This is a resource that will help to practice knowledge in subject areas students will be struggling with. This practice is presented with games, quizzes and extra links providing more detail on the information.
Brain Pop

Brain Pop provides many animated videos from all subject areas. Many of the videos will be useful for expanding knowledge on the topics discussed in this class. There are also quizzes that help provide important information at the end of each video.
Math Games

There are multiple games and activities that follow the common core standards taught in this class. It will provide important practice for students on many of the math topics that will be discussed in class.
National Geographic For Kids

We will explore many topics through National Geographic. This website provides the exploration for students on the amazing environments and creatures on our planet. There are many games and activities to learn more about Earth's landscapes.