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Meet The Teachers

Ms. Giansanto,

Ms. G has been teaching second grade for ten years now. She loves all of her students and would do anything for them. Even when she is at home, she thinks of fun activities she can do with her students. Outside of the classroom, she is married with four kids. She has two daughter and two sons. Her daughter names are Kamryn and Aubree and her sons names are Liam and Ryan. Ms. G's favorite vacation place is the beach. She hopes to have another great year with her class.

Ms. Lewis,

Ms. Lewis has been teaching for six years now. She used to teach fourth grade but this is her first year in a second grade classroom. So far, she loves it and she is already learning so many new things. Outside of the classroom, Ms. Lewis is married and has a couple dogs. She has two black labs, their names are Gus and Roger. All winter long, Ms. Lewis goes skiing on the weekends. She hopes to have another great year teaching, especially in a her new classroom.