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Teachers page

Songs for teachers
Song for teachers is a website where you can find all types of educational songs that you can use within your classroom. This is a fun and simple way to teach your students information.
Common core / state standards:
This link is to the common core state standards website, it has all you need to know and will help keep you on track.

Teachers pay teachers:
The teachers pay teachers website is a place where teachers can share buy and share their work.
Teaching tolerance
The teaching tolerance website is a site dedicated to teaching reducing prejudice, improving
inter group relations and supporting equitable school experiences for our nation's children.
Scholastic books:
The understood web page is one that provides not only information but also resources to help with diagnosing and finding help for students with learning disabilities.
Information for teachers and parents about learning disabilities:
The understood web page is one that provides not only information but also resources to help with diagnosing and finding help for students with learning disabilities.
Teacher tube:
tube is a website much like
YouTube accept this site provides teachers with educational videos that they can use within their class to help with the lessons they may be teaching.