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Lesson plan worksheets

Name : ________________________                


Directions: In the spaces provided below for part A. You will write the amount of change they wish you to give to the customer on the line. Then for part B you will draw what coins you used to provide the customer with the right change. For part C you will put a checkmark on the line if you were unable to provide the customer with the right change in the amount of time that was given to you. You may skip part C if you are able to get the right change within the time limit.  

A.) Amount of change given  _________


B.) What coins did you use to provide the customer with the right amount of change?


C. )  Put a check on this line if you were unable to complete the question in the time that     

was given ___


A.) Amount of change given  _________

B.) What coins did you use to provide the customer with the right amount of change?

C. )  Put a check on this line if you were unable to complete the question in the time that     

was given ___


A.) Amount of change given  _________

B.) What coins did you use to provide the customer with the right amount of change?

C.)  Put a check on this line if you were unable to complete the question in the time that     

was given ___

        Finding The Website

Directions :

Follow the steps below in order to reach the website I would like you to use for the worksheet that I will be handing out to you. We will use this website to help us expand our knowledge on how to deal with money.  

Step one : Login to your computer and choose one of the search engines provided on your computer.

Step two: Click the search bar and type in this website:

Step three: Once you have reached the page you should see the game “Cash Out.” The screen should look like the picture provided below. In the bottom left hand corner of the cash out screen there will be a “play button” click it to start the game.

Step Four : Now you will see the difficulty window make sure that it is set to “easy” level. Then make sure that the “display hints” and “show cash amount are turned” to “yes.” Once you have checked to make sure that all of the settings are where they are supposed to be, click the “Begin game”  button at the bottom of the page to start the game.

Step five: Enjoy the game! If you have any questions raise your hand and I will come around and help. Don’t stress over this! Just have a good time and enjoy it! We will go over any major concerns as a class  after the game.

1 Write the value of the money in dollars? 2 How much money does each row have? 3 After you finish the worksheet how much money does this student have in total

Page 2

Answer Key

1. $0.90
2. $0.71
3. $0.50
4. $0.31
5. $0.62
6. $0.47
7. $0.75
8. $0.36
9. $1.01
10. $0.86
11. $0.51
12. $0.86