Meet Your Teacher, Miss Dougherty!

Hi class! My name is Erica Dougherty, but you will all be calling me Miss Dougherty. I am
your third grade teacher. I thought you would all like to know a little bit about me.
This is my first year of teaching and I'm so happy that I get to teach third grade! It was my
favorite grade and I'm looking forward to trying to make this one of your favorite
years, too! Something interesting about me is that I love animals, and I am very excited to
bring in my own pet turtle, Speedy, to be our class pet! You can learn more about
him on his page or by clicking here. At home I have a dog named Buster and a cat named
Benny. Buster is a Golden Retriever mix and is very playful. Benny is a little shy
but very lovable. Another fun fact about me is that I love to go hiking! My family always
went on camping trips to the White Mountains in New Hampshire and would hike
the big Mountains like Mt. Washington, Mt. Madison, and Mt. Lafayette. In the picture above
I am at the Grand Canyon. I hiked it with my family a couple of years ago. I also
love playing and watching sports. I played basketball and softball in high school and I am a big
Red Sox fan! Reading is also one of my passions, so I always have a book with me to
read. I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you when school starts!
Maybe we have
 something in common that you can talk to me about!


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