Student Resources
This source is called It's an online dictionary and a great resource. This resource can be used to look up different words and check not only how to spell the word but also what it's definition. This website will also help you with pronunciation and what part of speech the word is.

Math Games
This Website has lots of fun math games to help improve math skills. There are a wide variety of games that cover a lot of different concepts including, mutiplying, dividing, fractions, angles and more. There are specific tabs for both Math and 4th Graders. There are a lot of games and interactive sources that are free, however in able to use all the programs the website offers you'll have to pay a fee.

Brain Pop
Brain Pop is another great website for students to learn all about lots of different subjects. In order to access the full scope of materials offered you have to subscribe ($115 for an entire year) but once you become a member students will have access to many helpful and educational videos. Most of which include Tim and Moby (picture above) as they go on adventures and answer questions you may have. This website uses mostly videos which include some interaction from the students.

The Importance of Eating Healthy and Exercising
This Website is all about how to be healthier and stay fit. The Website provides lots of free resources on what foods are good for you. It uses the food pyramid to explain why some foods are better than others and why you may need to eat more of one type of food than another. This website also has videos that show children how to play certain sports and the equipment that's needed for each sport. The website also provides links to other helpful websites regarding the topic you're interested in.

More Math Games!
This website is called prodigy and is totally free, all you have to do is create an account. This math game is a lot like Pokemon. You battle other monsters as you raise the power of your own monster, the only trick is you have to answer math questions quickly and correctly in order to battle other monsters. The game is fun and helpful. It will show you the correct way of doing a math problem if you get the answer incorrect enough times.

Fun Animal Facts
This website has tons of awesome and totally free video's, pictures and facts about a wide range of both local and exotic animals. This website is great for any student who is curious about animals. It's easy to navigate and student friendly with lots of awesome pictures of interesting animals. It's also a reliable source that could be used for any future projects on animals.

Wonderful Weather Website
This website was designed by a Meteorologist and has a ton of kid friendly information. It answers lots of frequently ask questions regarding the weather and earth. There are also some really cool do it yourself science projects that you can do at home with the help of a parent/guardian. This website is free and is regularly updated.

Teacher Resource
Parent Resource
Class Pet
Star of the Week
Lunch Menu
Meet the Teacher
Birthday Calender
Lesson Plan