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Lesson Plan

 Science, learning about autumn and leaves

Grade: 2nd Grade

Lesson Topic or Theme: Today's lesson topic is on, Why Do Leaves Change Color in Autumn?

Lesson Objectives: The students will be define the process of photosynthesis and how it connects to why and how the leaves change color in the fall. The student will be able to identify different leaves by color, shape and size.

Instructional Technique: In the beginning of class, the teacher and students will be in an interactive discussion on the leaves that were brought in by the students (last nights homework assignment).

The students will then work independently on the scavenger hunt worksheet/reviewing and reading through the website.

There will be group discussion based on what they learned and found as answers for the scavenger hunt.

Instructional Materials:

https://www.sciencemadesimple.com/leaves.html (website)

*attached scavenger hunt worksheet

*attached leaf investigating worksheet

Theoretical Perspective:

    This lesson will teach the students the concepts of why and how the leaves change color in the fall. This is important part of learning about science and how different seasons cause different reactions from the environment around us. They will learn that the changes in the length of daylight and changes in temperature causes the leaves to stop their food-making process, photosynthesis. The chlorophyll breaks down, the green color disappears, and the yellow to orange colors become visible.


            The teacher and students will work on a science activity today. The science activity will introduce why the leaves change color and how they can change their color. This lesson is to introduce the classroom to the season of fall. The class with be able to visualize the leaves, sort them into groups and then work independently on an online website which goes into further detail of how and why the colors of leaves change in the autumn. While reading and viewing the website, the students must fill out a scavenger hunt worksheet, which the students must fill in the blank sentences that are listed.

A. Introductory Activity (if applicable)

    Today we get into learning about how leaves change their color and why they change color. The students had homework last night which was to find one leaf and bring it to class today.

    When the students arrive into class they will bring the leaf that they brought in to their desk. As the students are at their desk with their leaf, the teacher will pass out the leaf investigation worksheet where the student must fill out based on the leaf they choose to bring in.

    After the students fill out the worksheet, the teacher will ask the students to bring up their leaf by table to the whiteboard. At the whiteboard, the teacher will help the students tape up the leaves so the whole classroom can see all the different types that were brought into class.

    As a class, we will go over the leaves that are presented. The teacher will make columns to represent, size(big, medium, small) and color(red, green, yellow, orange, brown). As a class, the students and the teacher will discuss the different types of leaves and decide what leaves are similar and which ones are different.

B. Step-by-step (descriptive outline)

    After the class notices and visualizes the different groups of leaves, the teacher will then handout the scavenger hunt worksheet. The teacher will allow each group of tables go one at a time to retrieve the laptops. On the worksheet there is a website that they will use in order to find the answers for the scavenger hunt. Some students may need more assistance than others with going onto the website. The teacher should walk around the room to make sure all the students are on the correct website. The Students will then work independently while completing the scavenger hunt worksheet and should only be on the website given in the instructions. While the students are working, the teacher should be walking around the classroom to help assist students, answer any questions and to make sure they are working independently on this activity.

C. Closure

    After the students finish the scavenger hunt worksheet and have read through the website, they will discuss with their groups about their answers and what they learned. When they have discussed their findings and their answers, they will then hand in their work to the teacher.

D. Adaptations for different learners

Google translate

Pair the student(s) who is a weak reader with a student who is a strong reader

E. Homework

    No homework


A. How/when will you determine if you have met your objectives?

The students will be define the process of photosynthesis and how it connects to why and how the leaves change color in the fall.

To document this objective’s success, the teacher will listen when peers discuss what they learned while completing the worksheet and evaluate the completion of the scavenger hunt worksheets individually.

The student will be able to identify different leaves by color, shape and size.

The teacher can document the students success through completing this objective based on the pervious nights homework assignment that the students had to described the leaf they chose to bring into class. In addition the teacher may document how the students did as a class during the grouping of their leaves (color, size, shape categories on white board).

B. Concerns or questions you have about teaching this lesson?

    The concerns I may have about teaching this lesson is that going onto the website and searching through the material might cause the students to need more time to complete the worksheet in class.