The Full Circle

Host Sean Fay brings listeners the greatest Hard Rock and Heavy Metal music, old and new!

Friday Roll Call

Every Friday from 9am-10am, we will have a different host from the Westfield or surrounding communities come in and talk local, state or overall politics. Some of the hosts consist of city mayors, state representatives and Westfield State Professors. Each week, you will hear a new and different insight from one of the many hosts of these shows. The list of programs and their hosts are listed below.  We are currently in talks with two other esteemed figures in the local political world to get into the first and fourth Fridays of each month.

1st Fridays: The Percolator with Andrea Allard and Kate Phelon

2nd Friday: At The Ballot Box With Professor David Smailes (Starting March 11)

3rd Friday: Inside The Hill with State Representative John Velis

4th Friday: Holyoke Happens with Mayor Alex B. Morse (Starting March 25th)


Making The List

Live from 9 am to 10 am every Thursday morning is Making The list with Bob Plasse and company. Every week, the group of 5 or even 6 go to the Press Room debate music. Each week its a new genre or category, and each week a new song makes the list! The crew grades each song on a scale to 10, and the song with the highest score is ultimately the winner!

From Left to Right, Kathrine Bentrewicz, Bob Plasse, Elli Meyer and Jack Corsi

From Left to Right, Kathrine Bentrewicz, Bob Plasse, Elli Meyer and Jack Corsi

Wednesday Monthlies

Every week we have a different politician or representative come in from the city or from around the area to tell us what is going and answer questions from callers and our producer. It is a rotation that starts over at the beginning Wednesday of each month. Each one of the shows holds a different name, that will be said at the beginning of each show.

1st WednesdayOn the Town with Mayor Brian Sullivan, Dennis Akins, and Amber Danahey

2nd Wednesday– Window on West Springfield with Mayor Will Reichelt (8am – 9 am) & Chamber Chatter with Kate Phelon (9am – 10 am)

3rd Wednesday-Everything Southwick with Selectman Joe Deedy (8am – 9am) & Arts Beat Radio with Mark Auerbach (9am – 10am)

4th Wednesday-Rock on Westfield with Harry Rock (8am – 9am) & Boys and Girls Club Around Town with Bill Parks (9am – 10am)

Wayne’s World of Music and Memories

This is our good friend Wayne Smith’s second set of hours on Saturday mornings, and this time he changes it up. Wayne during this time plays the music catalog and shares with us some memories of music and other events during those times.

Pioneer Valley Polka Party

Two hours of the best polka hosted by our good friend Wayne Smith (pictured right). Wayne comes in for four hours every Saturday and starts his time off with some of the best polka out there. It sure is a fun two hours to start off the Saturday morning!

J.P.’s Talk About Town

Jay Pagluica (pictured right) hosts J.P.’s Talk about Town every Friday Morning from 6am-8am. Active in the community, Jay currently sits on the Board of Directors for the Amelia Park Children’s Museum, and was on the Blanford Ski Club Board of Directors for 16 years prior to that. Jay is so involved that in 2013 he was honored by the City of Westfield with the Volunteer of the Year Award. Jay focuses his show on highlighting young visual, and performance artists, while also playing segments from the classic Golden Age of radio. Although Jay is a graduate of both Hartford State Technical College and Connecticut school of Broadcasting, this is his first time as an on-air radio host. Jay says his favorite thing about his new venture is, “All of us [WSKB radio hosts] have such a synergy in the morning.”