Arrivals, new titles, departures

The following employees either recently joined the faculty/staff, earned a new title, or departed from the University.


  • James Berger, reporting analyst, Information Technology Services
  • Anthony Carter, cook I, Dining Services
  • Oswaldo Gonzalez, maintainer I, Environmental Services
  • Kristen Haack, acting director of admission, Enrollment Management
  • Shauna Morse, maintainer I, Environmental Services

Congratulations to the following employees with new titles:

  • Javier Ortiz-Rivera, maintainer I, Environmental Services
  • Anthony Santos, director, Environmental Services

Best wishes to those who recently left the University:

  • Sara Borden, acting associate director, Alumni Relations & Annual Fund, Institutional Advancement
  • Elizabeth Carlson, mail clerk III, Procurement and Administrative Services
  • Karen Merrill, staff associate, projects and data information processing, Facilities and Operations