Former astronaut Cady Coleman to speak at Oct. 15 STEM Week event

Catherine “Cady” Coleman, Ph.D., former astronaut and retired U.S. Air Force colonel, will speak as part of the Pioneer Valley STEM Network’s Massachusetts STEM Week on Thursday, Oct. 15 at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom. Registration is required.

Coleman joined the NASA astronaut corps in 1992 and has spent a total 180 days in space, accumulated during two space shuttle missions and a six-month expedition to the International Space Station (ISS), where she acted as the lead robotics and lead science officer. Coleman is a vocal advocate for inclusion in STEM/STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics) fields and a sought-after speaker on a range of topics. 

Currently a research affiliate at the MIT Media Lab and Global Explorer in Residence at Arizona State University, she consults on space-related work, including microgravity research. Coleman also coached actress Sandra Bullock from the ISS in preparation for Bullock’s astronaut role in the 2013 Hollywood film “Gravity.”