Gym closed? WSU brings Ely Fitness online

The coronavirus pandemic has shuttered gyms across the country. But for those who want to get or stay fit without a membership to a gym, or to Peloton or Beachbody for online streaming of workouts, Ely Fitness Center has come to the rescue.

As the University community has adapted to a virtual working and learning environment, Ely Fitness Center, too, has transitioned to remote classes. It now offers fitness sessions via Instagram Live at @elyfitnesscenter.

Classes range from HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) on Mondays; glutes and legs on Wednesdays; and arms and core on Fridays; and run from 20 to 50 minutes, according to Myra Ahern, associate director of Ely Fitness Center.

Almost 100 people have thus far live-streamed the fitness center’s workouts at one time, Ahern said. The live classes are posted to @elyfitnesscenter’s Instagram Story for 24 hours.

“It’s a lot easier to work out when you have someone motivating you and showing you that it’s possible to exercise at home without using gym equipment,” said first-year student Hannah Blanquart. “These classes keep me in shape and give me something to look forward to during this inconvenient time.”

The fitness center’s Instagram followers will find weekly workouts, challenges, exercises of the week, relaxation techniques, and more. “I’m working on adding new classes that would benefit students, such as yoga, Zumba, and even indoor cycling—after asking students if they have stationary bikes,” said Ahern. “We even have students from different schools and community and family members who participate in the live classes and follow along on Instagram to get safe, effective, and fun fitness information.”