Prof. McNamara hosts online relaxation techniques sessions

Adjunct Professor Susan McNamara of the Movement Science Department is hosting a weekly Relaxation Techniques session online for faculty and staff.

Each Tuesday from 9 to 9:20 a.m., the sessions address the relationship of learning and stress response as relaxation has become a more widespread need during the Commonwealth’s “stay-at-home” order.

Relaxation is an essential skill to develop, but the level of distraction of working from home can cause most people to become overwhelmed.

“The faculty & staff relaxation techniques session focuses on breathing to calm and regulate the nervous system in order to create greater ease in body and mind. When we are more balanced and clear, we are in a better position to be of service to students and to our colleagues,” said McNamara.

“In the first session, we practiced mindfulness, focusing on the fact that resilient people are those who know where to place their attention. So instead of getting stuck in stress loops about the future, we worked on getting attention into the present moment as a significant tool for states of relaxation, creativity and problem-solving.”

The first session held on April 7 was a success as 18 members of faculty and staff participated. 

“Susan offered tips for a mindfulness practice that I’ve been trying out this week, from taking screen time breaks and focusing visually on something else, to focusing on breath and movement,” said Professor Vanessa Diana of the English Department. “In just 20 minutes, Susan led me from a distracted, fuzzy-headed state to a feeling of calm focus, which helped me stay productive and upbeat for the rest of the day.”

The Relaxation Techniques session will focus on a plethora of different approaches to work on stress responses, such as meditation, breathing techniques, full-body relaxation, food, and well-being. McNamara explains that this class is experimental and focuses on allowing people to practice these techniques daily to become more mindful of their stress.

McNamara will hold Relaxation Techniques via Zoom every Tuesday for the remainder of the semester. The meeting will open five minutes prior to 9 a.m., participants are required to register in advance via an email shared with faculty and staff each week.