Leadership team kicks off The Westfield State Experience implementation

Kelly Hart, Enrique Morales Diaz and Junior Delgado

Dr. Enrique Morales Diaz, Dr. Kelly Hart, and Junior Delgado will lead the campus community in the kickoff and implementation of a series of programs, activities and events as part of The Westfield State Experience, a critical component of our recently approved Strategic Plan.

Working with a team of campus community members during the 2018-19 academic year, Dean Morales Diaz and former Dean Susan LaMontagne set the course for implementation of Years 1 & 2 of the WSE. This year, in addition to implementing Years 1 & 2, the group will begin assessment of components of the WSE and set the course for Years 3 &4 to be implemented in AY 2020-21. 

Look for the WSE team leaders and committee members to make visits to campus groups, departments and offices to spread the word about the WSE and how you can support our students with your involvement. Watch NewsWise for regular updates, spotlighting exciting aspects of the program.  Check out the WSE webpage for further information about the program .