When inclement weather threatens the safety of the students, faculty, staff, and visitors, the decision to either close the institution or issue a delayed opening is made at the Cabinet level.
Such information is communicated through a variety of channels, including:
- A text message sent to those who are subscribed to receive WSU “RAVE” emergency alerts. To subscribe, click here.
- An alert posted on the University’s website (www.westfield.ma.edu)
- University email
- The Academic Affairs information line (413-572-5411)
- The main University phone line (413-572-5300)
- Facebook at www.facebook.com/WestfieldStateUniversity
- Twitter at www.twitter.com/westfieldstate
The University, will also submit weather-related delays and/or closures to both WWLP-TV and Western Mass. News, although the best and most updated information will be available through the sources noted above.