10 seniors make Honors Program presentations

Sean Bacon presents his Senior Honors Project, "Mental Resilience, Discrimination and Social Support."

Ten University honors students presented their senior honors projects in Scanlon Banquet Hall on December 5 & 6. The following seniors presented their research:

  • Sean Bacon (psychology and biology major) – Mental Resilience, Discrimination and Social Support
  • Amanda D’Aprix (elementary education and liberal studies major) – Books, Bullying and Bibliotherapy: How the Bibliotherapy Method Applies to Children’s Literature about Bullying
  • Steven Ferrara (special education and liberal studies major) – Strategies Used by Successful College Students with Learning Disabilities
  • Kaitlyn Hester (elementary education and liberal studies major) – Critical Literacy in the Elementary School Classroom
  • Ashley Linnehan (English major) – Promoting Linguistic and Dialectal Diversity in Westfield State University’s Reading and Writing Center
  • David Kennedy (English major) – The Witch and the Northman
  • Christine Luongo (English major) – Destabilizing Dichotomies: Bisexuality in Young Adult Literature
  • Sarah Morgan (history major) – Race and American Public Education
  • Kathleen Morris (English major) – Rethinking the Way We Teach: Moving from Standards-Based to Student-Based Education
  • Jarrod Petersen (biology major) – An Anatomical and Mechanical Investigation of the Walking Appendages in the Striped Searobin, Prionotus evolans