University’s Strategic Plan completes Touch Point 2 stage of process

As communicated yesterday to the campus community by Chief of Staff Dr. Susan Leggett, the University has completed the second (Touch Point 2) stage of developing its Strategic Plan.

With Touch Point 2 complete, attention now turns to planning its comprehensive and divisional implementation.

For the document presented to the Board of Higher Education on Oct. 16 by President Ramon Torrecilha, Provost Diane Prusank and Dr. Leggett, visit the Strategic Plan web page and click on “Campus Engagement.” This web page has other supporting information on the important work led by the Advisory Committee on Strategic Planning.

The advisory committee’s next meeting is tomorrow (Wednesday, Oct. 31) at 3:30 p.m. in the SGA Club Room (Ely 021). Any interested students, faculty, or staff are welcome to attend to learn more.