Virtual Evening of Discovery to support students

The Westfield State Foundation Inc., will host a virtual Evening of Discovery fundraiser May 7 to showcase the work of students, faculty and alumni with the University’s College of Mathematics and Sciences (CMS). The virtual event starts at 6 p.m.

Individuals are encouraged to support students by buying golf balls, which will drop from a helicopter on the green of a hole at Tekoa Country Club in Westfield, as participants will witness Newton’s law of gravity in action. Those closest to the pin will win cash prizes. Participants could win up to $10,000, and winners will be announced at the end of the event. Individuals do not need to be present to win. Proceeds will help further research and experiential learning opportunities for CMS students.

“This year’s theme provides an interesting way to raise funds in support of providing expanded options for our STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) students to ensure their education and growth. We could not continue to serve our scholars without the dedication and support of our many constituents in Westfield and beyond,” said Erica Broman, Ed.D., vice president for Institutional Advancement at Westfield State University and executive director of the Westfield State Foundation.

The University relies on numerous relationships to support its students, including community partners, corporate sponsors, and the Pioneer Valley STEM Network partners—especially Westfield Public Schools and the Springfield Science Museum.

Golf balls must be purchased online by noon on Wednesday, May 5. For more information about participating, visit