Honors Program students present research at regional conference

Twelve student members of the University’s Honors Program presented their research projects at the Northeast Regional Honors Council Conference April 10-11.

The students who presented and the title of their presentations were:

  • Gabrielle Biseinere
    “Ecology I: Ecosystem and Human Health”
  • Jordyn Carroll
    “Institutional Change and Heroes Needed”
  • Madison Czerniawski
    “Treating Patients and Health Care Providers Inclusively”
  • Josselyn Donahue
    “Speaking the Truth of the Eugenics Movement’s Horror Stories in the Age of Genetic Engineering”
  • Kaitlyn Egan
    “Freedom to Read – Banned Books”
  • Jean Ganek
    “Investigating the Origins of Same-Sex Behavior”
  • Shannon George
    “Exploring Questions and Finding Answers; Students with ADHD”
  • Mackenzie Healey
    “How Can Honors Programs Build Community in Remote College?”
  • Lisha Lopez-Sanchez and Cathryn Rigby
    “Conversations About Race and Culture”
  • Thomas Mespelli
    “Using Lessons from Semester COVID to Increase Student Engagement in an Honors Program Community”
  • Rebecca Rokne
    “COVID-19 Strategies and Their Impacts”