Sophomore fosters a dog in need during the COVID-19 pandemic

Amy Stefanik, a sophomore from Agawam, has served as a temporary canine foster parent when the Dakin Humane Society (DHS) shut down on March 24 as a part of Gov. Baker’s stay-at-home order in response to the Covid-19 outbreak.

A criminal justice major, Stefanik is a volunteer at DHS, where she assists with the dogs. Prior to the shutdown, DHS asked if volunteers could temporarily foster an animal. “I knew I needed to step in,” said Stefanik. ” I took in Daisy, an eight-year-old chihuahua with several medical issues. I knew that in a time like this, she needed my help.”

According to Stefanik, Daisy loves to play in the backyard, go hiking, or just be a couch potato. “She is a joy that I never thought I would get during a time like this,” said Stefanik.

Three weeks after Stefanik took her in, Daisy was adopted and joined a local family. Stefanik is very proud and thankful for the time she was able to spend with Daisy. She emailed NewsWise to share her story. “There is a lot of sad news in the world these days, so I thought I’d share something to make everyone’s day a little brighter, said Stefanik.”

If you have a story about what you are doing to help others during this time, please email