The University’s television studio crew has begun its annual taping of the popular Western Mass. quiz show, As Schools Match Wits (ASMW), an academic competition featuring the region’s top high school students answering questions from six categories, from math to world events.
Created by WSU alumnus Leonard Collamore in 1961, ASMW is the second longest running show of its kind in the nation. Westfield State co-produces the program with WGBY-57, Springfield’s local public television station, with a crew comprised of students and alumni, and supervised by WSU video production administrators Mark St. Jean and Alex Simisky.
Students gain television production experience on campus while groups of high school students visit on Saturdays in late fall to participate, and shows are taped consecutively throughout the day.
Student members of this year’s production crew are seniors Cheyanne Alcombright, Taylor Beamenderfer, Lauren Christian, Joe D’Agostino, Jackson Foote, Alexander LaMarche, and Michaela Piche; juniors Hannah Chadwick, Jenna DeLisi, Danielle Hudon, Devyn Manzi, and Anna Twite; sophomores Brendan Meagher, Kathy Scholpp, and Tyler Shugrue; and first-year student Myranda Nasworthy.
A new season of ASMW will air Saturdays at 7 p.m on WGBY, beginning December 14. For more information or to view past episodes visit