The Tragedy in New Zealand

A Message from the President: The Tragedy in New Zealand

Dear Campus Community:

Friday, March 15, 2019, was a dark and horrific day as 50 innocent lives were lost in a pair of senseless shootings at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. The fact that this event was accompanied by a manifesto filled with anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim tirades and carried out in houses of worship adds a layer of pain to their depth. Our hearts and thoughts are with the families and friends of the 50 victims, as well as our Muslim students, faculty, staff, alumni, friends, and alumni here on campus and across the globe.

I echo the sentiments of our Interfaith Chaplains Council shared by Father Warren Savage on Saturday, March 16 which read:

“Our prayers and deepest sympathies are with the Al Noor Mosque and the Linwood Islamic Center communities in Christchurch, New Zealand, as well as the Muslim community around the world, in the wake of the tragic shootings that took 49 lives and left at least 20 other people critically injured. Another wave of hatred and terrorism has passed through another country ending the lives of our Muslim brothers and sisters gathered in prayer.

As Interfaith religious leaders, we ask everyone to respect the dignity of all people and work in your own way, to eliminate any discrimination against the members of this community or harassment of them because of their race, color, condition of life, or religion. We need to continue to use our minds and voices to stand in solidarity with our Muslim brothers and sisters, whether they live in our community, or anywhere throughout the world.

To our Muslim family in New Zealand and the Muslim members of our campus community please know that our hearts are open to accept the sorrow you feel in this time of grief.

Interfaith Chaplains Council
Interfaith Advisory Council
Albert and Amelia Interfaith Center, Westfield State University”

Students needing counseling services are encouraged to contact the Counseling Center at 413.572.5790, while employees needing employee assistance services are encouraged to contact AllOne Health at 800.451.1834.


Ramon S. Torrecilha, Ph.D.