Historical essays about the city of Westfield, written by University students, are available online through Westfield’s 350th anniversary site. Visit to learn more about an aspect of the city’s 350 years of history, which will be celebrated throughout 2019.
- The Flood Of 1955 by Jared La Valley
- The Old Woronoco Park by Josselyn Donahue
- Philip A Payton The Father Of Colored Harlem by Adam Hanna
- A Murder On Western Ave Lewis B Allyn by Shannon George
- Edward Taylor by Audrey Therriault
- Westfield Standard Pure Food Act Turned To Murder by Sarah Remy
- The Port Of Westfield by Gabrielle Biseinere
- Steeples That Tell History by Victoria Pike
- Roots Of WSU by Sarah Balestro
- Historical Beneath The Columbia Greenway Rail Trail by Matthew Michalik