Interfaith Campus Ministry summit meeting – Oct. 24

Ferst Interfaith Center

The Ferst Interfaith Center will collaborate with the Office of Campus Ministry Outreach of the Diocese of Springfield to host an Interfaith Campus Ministry summit meeting on Wednesday, October 24 at 9 a.m.

This event is an opportunity for campus ministers and spiritual advisors throughout Western Massachusetts to meet and collaborate. Strategies about how to support students who face religious prejudice and how to cultivate a compassionate community among students from diverse backgrounds will be the center of discussion.

Numerous campus spiritual leaders will be gathered together, including Roman Catholic Bishop, The Most Rev. Mitchell Rozanski; Episcopal Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Dr. Douglas Fisher; Imam Wissam Abdel Baki, Ph.D., of the Islamic Society of Western Massachusetts and Mehlaqa Samdani, executive director of Critical Connections.

“The Interfaith Campus Ministry summit meeting is an important and necessary gathering of campus ministers and spiritual leaders at a time when our society has lost the art of dialogue, collaboration and mutual support that leads to a deeper respect for the dignity of every person, unity and peace among all people,” says Father Warren Savage, director of the Ferst Interfaith Center. “The primary work of people of faith is to build the beloved community founded on love and compassion.”