GIC approves premium rates

Group Insurance Commissioners voted February 22 to approve the premium rates for employees and retiree members for FY19. These rates take effect July 1.

Below are the highlights from those votes:

  • More than 84% of GIC enrollees will see premium increases of 2% or less
  • 50% of GIC enrollees will see a premium rate decrease
  • For nearly 10% of enrollees, premiums will be virtually flat
  • Some members will see an increase in their premiums, and, where possible, the GIC will work with members throughout Open Enrollment to support the identification and selection of the health plan that is best for enrollees and their families

In addition, the Commission voted to approve access to a statewide Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for all state employees and their families (regardless of whether they have health insurance through the GIC). This program will also extend to municipalities and agencies enrolled in GIC.

The GIC’s annual enrollment period is April 4May 2. As part of our member education and engagement, the GIC will share more detailed benefit information to help members identify and select their best options moving forward.