“Traveling Around New England” Handout


Name: _____________________________________________                Date: ______________


“Traveling Around New England”


  • As you travel through the 6 New England states on your road trip, answer the questions on the website and look at the available links to learn more information about the states.  If you get a question wrong, that is okay-you can try again until you get it correct. 


  • As you work on the website, fill in this handout and write down 2 new or interesting facts you learned about each state.  These facts and information can be from the questions asked on the class website or from the links to other websites.  Good luck, and have a good road trip!



1)      __________________________ was the 1st state to stop in on my road trip, and its capital is _____________________.  I started the trip with $100.00.  I spent $__________ on souvenirs while in this state, so I still have $_________ left.


Two Interesting Facts:






2)      __________________________ was the 2nd state to stop in on my road trip, and its capital is _____________________.  I spent $__________ on souvenirs while in this state, so I still have $________ left.


Two Interesting Facts:






3)      __________________________ was the 3rd state to stop in on my road trip, and its capital is _____________________.  I spent $__________ on souvenirs while in this state, so I still have $_________ left.


Two Interesting Facts:




4)      __________________________ was the 4th state to stop in on my road trip, and its capital is _____________________.  I spent $__________ on souvenirs while in this state, so I still have $_________ left.


Two Interesting Facts:






5)      __________________________ was the 5th state to stop in on my road trip, and its capital is _____________________.  I spent $__________ on souvenirs while in this state, so I still have $_________ left.


Two Interesting Facts:






6)      __________________________ was the 6th state to stop in on my road trip, and its capital is _____________________.  I spent $__________ on souvenirs while in this state, so I still have $_________ left.


Two Interesting Facts:






  • You started the trip with $100.00.  By the end of the trip, you had spent a total of $_________.  Did you spend all of your money?  If not, how much money do you have left? (Show all work)

  • Using this key, color in the six New England states on the blank map.

Massachusetts= Red

Connecticut= Blue

Rhode Island= Yellow

Vermont= Green

New Hampshire= Orange

Maine= Purple


---If you finish early, review your answers and your work.  If you are satisfied, further explore the links within the “Traveling Around New England” website and write down additional facts on a separate piece of paper.

For extra credit, plan and write a story about a character traveling to a New England state and what they do and see there.  You must include facts about the state, its history, the attractions there, and landmarks to visit, along with making up your own prices for at least three souvenirs the character will buy and the total cost.  Include facts relevant to the state and be thorough, descriptive, and creative!


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