Lesson Plan

Unit Topic: World Geography

Grade Level: 6th Grade

Links to MA Curriculum Frameworks for 6th Grade:

E.1 On a map of the world, locate the continent of Europe. On a map of Europe, locate the Atlantic Ocean, Arctic Ocean, Norwegian Sea, and Barents Sea. Locate the Volga, Danube, Ural, Rhine, Elbe, Seine, Po, and Thames Rivers. Locate the Alps, Pyrenees, and Balkan Mountains. Locate the countries in the northern, southern, central, eastern, and western regions of Europe.

E.2 Use a map key to locate countries and major cities in Europe. (G)

E.3 Explain how the following five factors have influenced settlement and the economies of major European countries (G, E)

A. absolute and relative locations

B. climate

C. major physical characteristics

D. major natural resources

E. population size

Specific Lesson Topic: Europe (Capitals and Landmarks).

Lesson Objectives:

The student will be able to locate the continent of Europe on a map of the world.  

The student will be able to associate the capitals with their specific European countries.  

The student will be able to identify which country is the home of certain historical landmarks.  
The student will be able to use the computers as an aid in research and in order to take the pre-assessment quiz.

Instructional Techniques:

*Intro: Use of computers for pre-assessment

*Teaching lesson from textbook

*Showing an example of a previous poster

*Grading students on their work

Instructional Material:


Worksheet for presentations

Textbook as a reference
Colored Pencils

Theoretical Perspective:

It is quite important for students to learn and understand the geography, cultural aspects, and history in Europe in order to gain a sense of worldly knowledge.  It is also advantageous to know the capitals of each country and specifically where the countries are located on a map, so that when there is current news happening in Europe, the student is able to have a sense of where in the world the event is taking place.  Furthermore, if students are aware of how absolute/relative locations, climate, major physical characteristics, major natural resources, and population size affect the economy in major European countries, then they will be able to compare these factors to how the economy of the United States is affected by the same factors.  


  1. The teacher will ask the students to log onto the computers and take this short quiz as a pre-assessment for what they already know about Europe.  

  2. The students will log on and explore the quiz.  

  3. The teacher will mention to the students that when they get an answer correct, they should be exploring the pages that the website is linked to.  Also, if students finish early, they should watch the video at the end and if they did not get all the questions right the first time through, they should go back and take the quiz again.  When finished with everything, read silently.  

  4. The teacher will then teach a lesson about Europe based from the textbook.  

  5. The students will be assigned a certain country in Europe.

  6. Students will be expected to do more research on that country and create a poster project that they will present to the class. (They will have about 1 week to work on this in class and for homework).

  7. As the class is presenting, students will fill out a worksheet about each country.  

Adaptations for Different Learners:

*Students who have test anxiety will be assured that the pre-assessment quiz is only to benefit them; it will not be graded.  

*Students will be able to use creativity while creating their posters, demonstrating one of the multiple intelligences.  


The students will be evaluated on both their poster, as well as the worksheet completed while their classmates are presenting.  

Scoring Guide (Checklist) :



  1. Country name

  2. Capitals & other major cities

  3. Climate

  4. Geographical features

  5. Natural Resources used by country

  6. Population size

  7. Famous landmarks

  8. Pictures/added creativity

Worksheet: Did student pay attention to classmates & write down what was expected on worksheet?

**The links used for the students’ opportunity to further explore the attractions in Rome, the Eiffel Tower, the Anne Frank House, and the attractions in Ireland:     









Worksheet for Presentations:



Person Presenting:


  1. What is the capital?


  1. What is the climate like?


  1. What are the physical characteristics of the country?


Person Presenting:


  1. What is the capital?

2.What is the climate like?


3. What are the physical characteristics of the country?


Person Presenting:


  1. What is the capital?

2.What is the climate like?


3. What are the physical characteristics of the country?
