Unit Topic or Theme: Science

Grade: 3

Lesson Topic or Theme : Zoo Animals

Lesson Objectives:
1. The students will be able to correctly identify the particular animal based upon the description given in the quiz questions.

2. The students will be able to take notes on the animals as they further investigate the animals using the external links and fill out the worksheet that shows their knowledge of what they have learned.

Instructional Technique:

1. Class lecture
2. Independent work on the computer
3. Hand out to be filled out for homework

Instructional Materials:

1. Homework hand out
2. Computer

Theoretical Perspective: It is important for the children to learn about these animals that are presented and could be found at the zoo because it is an introductory lesson to learning about the different classifications of animals. For example learning what mammals, reptiles, amphibians are and learning about the different regions of the world where these different animals can be found. It is important for the children to do this lesson because it also gives them a chance to practice their computer skills using research at its basic levels. After they figure out what animals the question is talking about they are able to learn more and research about that particular animal which will lead into animal classification and region classification of these animals.

A. I will give a small class lecture about the different kinds of animals we have. I will talk about how just because all of these living things are all animals does not mean they all come from the same family. This will lead into a discussion about animal classification. The students will learn the different classifications. Talking about what types of animals are considered mammals, amphibians, reptiles, and so on. Then I will talk about how animals can be found all over the world and describe what habitats are and how animals have many different ones.

B. Next students will move on to independent computer work. They will log onto their computers and on the website where the quiz is located. They will then begin to take the quiz. For every question as they get the right answer and start to learn more about that new animal from the external link they will jot down notes on a scrap piece of paper for later on. Students should have at least 4 facts each for the 7 animals in the quiz. Also for every question they will keep track of the right answer and how many tries it took them to get the right answer.

C. Adaptations: If a student is struggling with writing down notes about each animal they may ask for a teacher or teacher aid to help them as they go along the process of the quiz.

D. Homework: After the students have successfully completed the quiz they be handed out their homework. Their homework is a work sheet that has all seven animals listed on it. Underneath each animals are lines. The students are to write their four facts about each animals here using their notes. They are also required to label the animal under its correct classification and state where the animal could be found in its natural habitat.

How/when will you determine if you have met your objectives?
1. The students will be able to correctly identify the particular animal based upon the description given in the quiz questions.

As the students take the quiz they will keep track of the right answer for every question and how many attempts it took to get to the right answer. This way I will know if the students where understanding and which answers they where struggling on.

2. The students will be able to take notes on the animals as they further investigate the animals using the external links and fill out the worksheet that shows their knowledge of what they have learned.

I will collect the students notes they took and the homework worksheet the next day in class so that I can see that they took notes as they where taking the quiz and they completed the worksheet which requires further knowledge about each animal in the question. I will use the homework to assess how much the students learned during this activity.

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