


New England Worksheet

Please fill this out as you do your quiz, there are a few bonus questions at the end!


1. How many states are in New England?


2. What is Connecticut’s state bird?


3. What is the capital of Maine?


4. What is Vermont’s state tree?

5. What is the capital of New Hampshire?


6. What State flag is this?                            


7. What is the capital of Connecticut?


8. What state is nick named the ocean state?


9. What is the capital of Vermont?


10. What State flag is this?                     


11. What is the capital of Massachusetts?


12. What state has a Moose as their state mammal?


13. What is the capital of Rhode Island?

Bonus Questions! Use the website link to answer these questions for bonus points.


1. Which state has the most recent statehood?


2. Which state has the longest name?


3. Which state has Yankee Doodle as their state song?

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