Unit topic or theme: Social Studies/ Geography

Grade: Third Grade


Lesson Topic or Theme: States of New England

Lesson Objectives:

                  -     Students will be able to name all six states in New England.

-       Students will be able to match the state capital with its corresponding state.

-       Students will be able to match the listed fact with the corresponding state.

Instructional Technique: An online quiz and a worksheet to fill out followed by group grading and discussion.

Instructional Materials: Website on New England and a worksheet to fill out.

Theoretical Perspective: These students live in New England and should learn more about where they live.



A.     Introductory Activity: The teacher will show the students a map of New England and ask them about their prior knowledge of New England. After a class discussion about their prior knowledge the teacher will give them the educational website to explore New England. The website includes a fact list about all six states.

B.     Step-by-step: Students can choose to work in pairs or work alone, but each student must fill out his or her own worksheet. As they take the online quiz they will record their answers on the worksheet. The students must use the website to answer the few bonus questions at the end.

C.     Closure: The teacher will collect every one’s papers and pass them out randomly. The students will grade their classmate’s papers as we go over the answers as a class.

D.    Adaptations for different learners: Students can work in pairs, but they still must fill out their own worksheet. The teacher will walk around the room and help with questions.

E.     No Homework!



-     Students will be able to name all six states in New England.

-       Students will be able to match the state capital with its corresponding state.

-       Students will be able to match the listed fact with the corresponding state.

We will document successful completion of these objectives by collecting the worksheet given to the students, and grade it.

                  B.  Our concerns would involve the students having trouble with navigating the given website.

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