Unit Topic/Theme: Social Studies


Grade: 5th grade


Lesson Topic/Theme: Central America


Lesson Objectives:

á      Students will research information on a Central American country.


Instructional Techniques:

á      Web quest

á      Group work

á      Research

á      Brochure


Instructional Materials:

á      Computers

á      Explore Central America worksheet

á      Reference books, articles, and maps

á      Art supplies


Theoretical Perspective: It is important for students to learn about Central America so that they become aware of the other cultures present in our world today. It makes them more worldly and less ignorant. Through learning this content students also learn research methods which develop critical thinking skills that are applicable throughout life.



A.    Introductory Activity:

á      Students will play the Explore Central America web quest.

á      As they play, students will fill out the corresponding worksheet.

á      After exploring the different Central American countries through the web quest, students will select one to study further.

B.    Step-by-step:

á      Group students based on the Central American country they chose to study.

á      In each group, students will use the internet, reference books, articles, and maps to gather information on their country.

á      Students will organize information and display it on a brochure for their country.

C.   Closure:

á      Each countryÕs brochure will be placed around the classroom.

á      Students will ÒtravelÓ through Central America as they walk around the room and read about the different countries.

D.   Adaptations for Different Learners: while researching, a variety of different levels of text will be available for students to use as well as examples of brochures for them to mimic.



á      Students will research information on a Central American country.

o   The teacher will be able to determine if the students have met this objective in two ways. Firstly with the Explore Central America worksheet. This worksheet helps guide students through the web quest and asks them to research and record information about each country. Secondly, studentsÕ final brochure will display information on their country and the teacher can use this to assess their research. The teacher will also be able to informally asses students by checking in during the research process.